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[HealthLiteracy 2576] Health Literacy Survey for Elderly

David M. Young

dyoung at
Wed Dec 17 14:00:35 EST 2008


I am a new member to the listserv. My name is David Young and I am a
Health Educator/Researcher at Montana State University. I am a
member of a research team working on a grant designed to enhance the
health and well-being of rural elderly so that they can stay in their
homes and local communities as long as possible. A major component
our grant is to improve the level of health literacy of rural
elderly. We have searched the literature for possible survey
instruments to use and are familiar with the TOFHLA and S-TOFHLA
which measures primarily reading fluency and we are more interested
in measuring and individual's ability to obtain, process, understand
and use basic health information and services.

Thanks in advance - my e-mail address is dyoung at


David M. Young, Professor
Community Resource Specialist
Extension Service & College of Nursing

"Cultivating Healthier Rural Communities and Reducing Poverty"

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