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Learning To Achieve

A Research-Based Training on Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities

Learning to Achieve is a five-day training program designed to help adult education and vocational training practitioners, social workers, and other human service providers improve their knowledge of learning disabilities (LD) in adults. The program offers instruction on how to actively support adults with LD in educational and workplace settings, and prepares participants to share what they have learned with interested colleagues who did not attend the training.

The Program: The National Institute for Literacy developed Learning to Achieve based on the latest rigorous research to increase practitioners’ knowledge of learning disabilities and their ability to provide effective services to adults with LD. The program launches in July 2009, and six five-day training sessions will be offered across the nation over the course of the summer. A total of about 150 practitioners from 17 different states are invited to participate. Learning to Achieve participation is not open to the public.

The Training: Learning to Achieve is an intense five-day training program designed to improve services to adults with LD. During that period, participants take part in a rigorous training opportunity that will help them work effectively with adults with LD. The training begins weeks before participants enter the classroom. Each is required to complete an online learning module on LD accommodations to supplement the face-to-face training.

The Materials: The development of Learning to Achieve was informed by an extensive literature review that serves as a foundational document reflecting the current knowledge base. The six topics covered in the literature review are: assessment, English language learners, accommodations, teaching methods, transition, and impact of LD.

Last updated: Tuesday, 14-Jul-2009 10:06:37 EDT

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