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[HealthLiteracy 2254] Re: Easy to read Prostate Cancer info

Brach, Cindy (AHRQ)

Cindy.Brach at
Thu Aug 21 20:32:59 EDT 2008

AHRQ has recently published a guide for men on prostate cancer that is written in plain language for a lay audience. Treating Prostate Cancer: A Guide for Men With Localized Prostate Cancer is one of a series of AHRQ Consumer Summary Guides. You can find it at:

Cindy Brach
Center Delivery, Organization, and Markets
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850
fax: 301-427-1430
Cindy.Brach at


>>> "Marshall, Caroline" <Caroline.Marshall at> 08/21/08 1:10 PM >>>

Hello all,

I am trying to find some easy to read handouts or brochures for a series
of town meetings. The first meeting is on Prostate Cancer. I have
found plenty of information but I would like to include some easy to
read handouts. I have checked MedlinPlus but they offer a video
tutorial, this has to be in print. Do any of you know a resource I could



Caroline Marshall
Health Sciences Librarian

Horblit Health Sciences Library

Danbury Hospital, 24 Hospital Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810
V: (203) 739-7419 | F: (203) 739-7568 | caroline.marshall at <>

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