Index of Species Information

SPECIES:  Baccharis halimifolia


SPECIES: Baccharis halimifolia
AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION : Van Deelen, Timothy R. 1991. Baccharis halimifolia. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: [].

ABBREVIATION : BACHAL SYNONYMS : NO-ENTRY SCS PLANT CODE : BAHA COMMON NAMES : groundsel-tree groundsel-bush silverling sea myrtle salt bush buckbrush consumption weed TAXONOMY : The currently accepted scientific name for groundsel-tree is Baccharis halimifolia L. (Compositae or Asteraceae). There are no recognized forms or subspecies. Recognized varieties include: var. angustior D.C. var. halimifolia [14,30] Baccharis is a genus of over 400 dioecious plants native only to the Western Hemesphere; 21 are found in the United States [4]. LIFE FORM : Shrub FEDERAL LEGAL STATUS : No special status OTHER STATUS : NO-ENTRY


SPECIES: Baccharis halimifolia
GENERAL DISTRIBUTION : Groundsel-tree grows along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America from Texas to Massachusetts. It is most common on the southeastern Coastal Plain, growing as far inland as Arkansas and the central Piedmont Plateau. It grows in penninsular Florida, Mexico, and the West Indies as well [5,6,7,15]. ECOSYSTEMS : FRES12 Longleaf - slash pine FRES13 Loblolly - shortleaf pine FRES14 Oak - pine FRES16 Oak - gum - cypress FRES41 Wet grasslands STATES : CT DE FL GA MD MA NJ NY NC RI SC TX MEXICO BLM PHYSIOGRAPHIC REGIONS : NO-ENTRY KUCHLER PLANT ASSOCIATIONS : K078 Southern cordgrass prairie K080 Marl - everglades K090 Live oak - sea oats K091 Cypress savanna K092 Everglades K105 Mangrove K112 Southern mixed forest K113 Southern floodplain forest K114 Pocosin K116 Subtropical pine forest SAF COVER TYPES : 71 Longleaf pine 81 Loblolly pine 82 Loblolly pine - hardwood 85 Slash pine - hardwood 89 Live oak 98 Pond pine 101 Baldcypress SRM (RANGELAND) COVER TYPES : NO-ENTRY HABITAT TYPES AND PLANT COMMUNITIES : Detailed descriptions of groundsel-tree plant communities are lacking. When present, overstory associates include loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), longleaf pine (P. palustris), and slash pine (P. elliottii) [12]. Common understory associates include marsh elder (Iva frutescens), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), and rose mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) [23].


SPECIES: Baccharis halimifolia
IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE : Grelen [12] lists groundsel-tree as a "desirable" browse species for white-tailed deer, although it probably has little or no value for other wildlife species and may be toxic to some [4]. Laboratory tests on mice and chicks indicate that ingestion of more than 2 percent of an animal's body weight in groundsel-tree foliage may be toxic. Visible symptoms of groundsel-tree poisoning range from mild depression followed by recovery to extreme listlessness and stupor followed by death. The toxic compound in groundsel-bush attacks the hepatic and circulatory systems [7]. PALATABILITY : Groundsel-tree is unpalatable to cattle and often displaces more palatable forage [4]. NUTRITIONAL VALUE : NO-ENTRY COVER VALUE : Groundsel-tree provides emergency cover for muskrats when storm tides sweep through southern Louisiana salt marshes [18]. VALUE FOR REHABILITATION OF DISTURBED SITES : Groundsel-tree's tolerance of salt spray [20], and rapid colonization of disturbed sites [21] may make it useful for disturbed site rehabilitation in some situations. More often, it is considered a weed. One eastern-Texas native-prairie restoration project reported that the presence of invading groundsel-trees reduced forb diversity [13]. OTHER USES AND VALUES : Hardiness, freedom from disease, and attractive fall foliage make groundsel-tree an attractive ornamental. It may aggravate hay fever symptoms for some people [4]. OTHER MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : Baccharis species are problem weeds of rangelands, pastures, parks, recreational areas, and floodplains. Mowing and broadleaf herbicide treatments at 1- to 3-year intervals may provide control, although such control methods are often not cost-effective. Phytophagous Brazilian insects have been successfully used to control introduced Baccharis species in Australia. Similar techniques show promise for use in the United States [4].


SPECIES: Baccharis halimifolia
GENERAL BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Groundsel-tree is a much-branched, common shrub that seldom exceeds 16 feet (5 m) in height or 6 inches (16 cm) d.b.h. [5,6]. Its leaves are toothed, alternate, deciduous, and borne on green twigs [6]. Groundsel-tree leaves secrete a sticky resin, thought to deter herbivory by all but the most specialized insects [15]. The unisexual, yellow flowers are borne on heads surrounded by bracts. The fruit is a small achene tipped with straight bristles. Groundsel-trees are dioecious and display some sexual dimorphism, although positive sexual classification of the plant requires flower examination. Male plants generally have longer shoots, more tender leaves, grow faster, and flower and senesce earlier than female plants [15]. RAUNKIAER LIFE FORM : Phanerophyte REGENERATION PROCESSES : Seedling establishment is the primary method of groundsel-tree regeneration. Its flowers are wind pollinate, and its seeds are wind dispersed [15,22]. DeLoach and others [4] reported that groundsel-trees will resprout if clipped above the ground, although descriptions of vegetative reproduction are lacking. Seedlings require 2 years of growth after germination before reproduction can occur [21]. SITE CHARACTERISTICS : Detailed descriptions of groundsel-tree site requirements are lacking. General descriptions indicate that groundsel-tree grows in moist sites on soils with a high organic content including pond and bay margins, swamps, wet prairies, marshes, raised portions of salt marshes, and everglades hammocks [2,6,8,27]. It also grows on anthropogenic sites, such as fencerows and abandoned fields [5,15]. Descriptions of groundsel-tree as an early invader of interdune swales [2,6] suggest that organic content is less important than high moisture content for groundsel-tree establishment. Growth in salt marshes and brackish southeastern Louisiana swamps indicate a high salt tolerance [6,17,24]. SUCCESSIONAL STATUS : Groundsel-tree is an early successional, woody invader of disturbed lowlands throughout its range [27]. It replaces sawgrass (Cladium spp.), freshwater marsh, and marl, wet prairie communities following drainage in southern Florida [27,29]. It is characteristic of cut-over and partially drained, deep-water swamps in southeastern Louisiana [23]. Overgrazing and drainage favor groundsel-tree invasion and convert salt marshes into shrublands [9]. Despite its early-seral nature, groundsel-tree is shade tolerant. It persists under a pine canopy and may reach carrying capacity in as little as 4 years. Self-thinning, graminoid competition, and heavy litter reduce seedling establishment and maintain a stable stem density. Disturbance and the creation of overstory gaps stimulate seed production. Shade tolerance allows groundsel-tree to maintain a pool of seedlings in the understory until disturbance provides an opportunity for release and continued regeneration [19]. SEASONAL DEVELOPMENT : Groundsel-trees flower from August to October, and their fruit ripen from October to November [3,6,24]. A population near Gainesville, Florida, had the following phenological sequence [22]: Phenological event Time flower bud appearance late Sept. - Oct. flowers bloom late Oct. - early Nov. fruit ripens mid Nov. leaves drop mid Dec. - late Feb. dormancy late Nov. - Jan.


SPECIES: Baccharis halimifolia
FIRE ECOLOGY OR ADAPTATIONS : Groundsel-tree is intolerant of fire and tends to occupy only unburned sites [11,12]. Postfire colonization depends on proximity of a seed source and wind dispersal. POSTFIRE REGENERATION STRATEGY : Initial-offsite colonizer (off-site, initial community)


SPECIES: Baccharis halimifolia
IMMEDIATE FIRE EFFECT ON PLANT : Most fires probably kill groundsel-trees. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF FIRE EFFECT : NO-ENTRY PLANT RESPONSE TO FIRE : Fire probably removes groundsel-tree from a site until off-site seed sources can provide regeneration. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE : NO-ENTRY FIRE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS : To predict the contribution of groundsel-tree to fuel load, refer to Reeves and Lenhart [25] for equations relating basal stem diameter to dry weight.


SPECIES: Baccharis halimifolia
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