Health Literacy Portal

This Internet portal is designed to provide easy access to key information about health literacy in Canada for health professionals, researchers and interested individuals. It features the Expert Panel on Health Literacy’s final report as well as links to other key Canadian and international health literacy resources.

What is Health Literacy?

Health literacy is the ability to access, understand and act on information for health.

Accessing health information and services can be difficult, especially for someone feeling ill, anxious or in pain.  Being able to access and understand information makes a difference to health and well-being.

Health professionals who provide clear, reliable information are essential to helping people manage their health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Answers to common questions about the nature and scope of health literacy in Canada.

Expert Panel on Health Literacy
This section describes CPHA’s Expert Panel activities and links to all the related resource materials, including A Vision For a Health Literate Canada: Report of the Expert Panel on Health Literacy.

About Online Health Information
Tips for evaluating health information on the Internet, including links to some reliable general information websites.

Health Literacy Resources
Access to and descriptions of CPHA’s health literacy resources, as well as links to key Canadian and international publications.

Partners and Organizations
Links to the National Literacy and Health Program Partners, as well as Literacy and Learning Organizations.