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[HealthLiteracy 2124] Re: information on photo-novellas

Susan Auger

sauger at
Fri Jul 11 11:04:39 EDT 2008

Hi Susan

Fotonovelas/photonovels can be created and used in a variety of ways to
accomplish a diverse set of aims.

You might interested in a book chapter we wrote on our use of photonovels
with Latinas to teach prenatal education. It was recently published in
'Emerging Perspectives in Health Communication: Meaning, Culture, and Power
' (Editors: Heather Zoller and Mohan Dutta). The book is now available at
Routledge and Amazon, along with other book sellers.

This method of teaching with stories using photonovels was recognized by the
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Sociology of Health and Medicine,
University of Vienna as an international best practice model for
incorporating health literacy and health empowerment principles in prenatal

In addition, as I mentioned previously on the listserv, the Center for
Healthcare Strategies included the use of photonovels with the
Teach-With-Stories (TWS) Method in their 2007 Toolkit for Strategies to
Reduce Health Disparities. In a national demonstration project at the
Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island, 90.5% of women in the TWS
intervention received optimal prenatal care compared to 65% of women in the
control group.

We are currently conducting an NIH study examining research to practice
issues involving teaching with photonovels, group education and lay

For further information about the Teach-with-Stories method and photonovels
you can view a short online video that we developed for the first phase of
the study (a series of interviews that have now been completed):


(Note: QuickTime Player is required to view this clip. If you do not have
this program, a QuickTime player plug-in can be downloaded at no charge. Or
if you have a problem opening the above link, try this alternate link:


If you have any questions or would like additional information,

you can reach me off-line. My contact info is below.

Hope this helpful.

Susan Auger

auger at

(t) 919-361-1857


From: healthliteracy-bounces at
[mailto:healthliteracy-bounces at] On Behalf Of Susan Cort Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 2:15 PM
To: healthliteracy at
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 2121] information on photo-novellas

B. Denise Hawkins, assoc. director of communications for the National
Institute for Literacy, suggested I post questions on photo-novellas-their
use and creation-on this discussion list. I am working on an article for
Patient Education Management [a monthly published by AHC Media in Atlanta,
GA] and will use the information for the piece. Therefore, I would
appreciate full names, degrees, position titles and place of employment from
responders so I can identify the source.

If you have any questions, or would rather talk in person please
contact me at the information below:

Susan Cort Johnson, Editor

Patient Education Management

suscortjohn at

(530) 256-2749

Questions on photo-novellas

1. Before creating a photo-novella what criteria should you use to
evaluate the project to determine if it will be time and money well spent?

2. Is there a particular audience/s this type of educational literature
works well with and who are they? Why are photo-novellas pleasing to this

3. What tools, resources are required to create a good photo-novella
[photographer, printer, etc.] What kind of a timeline should the editor

4. Are there any pitfalls to creating a photo-novella? What pieces of
advice can you give for avoiding problems?

5. Is a photo-novella always based on a personal story? How do you find
a good personal story?

6. Have you completed a photo-novella? If so, what topic did it address
and how do you use it? Did it achieve its intended outcome? Please explain.

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