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[HealthLiteracy 2078] Re: WIC Mother's Health Literacy Campaign

Joan Guthrie Medlen

joan at
Fri Jun 13 05:44:52 EDT 2008

HI Matt -

I'd like to hear a little more. WIC (the Women, Infants and Chldren)
Programs typically try to develop programs for lower literacy levels, but
I"m sure it can use work! Many of my colleagues are WIC program
administrators, which may be a good collaboration for you (NOrth Carolina,
Montana, and Oregon are easiest contacts).

The WIC program has a picture based tool for motivational interviewing
that is interesting. I've not used it or seen it in action, but it's a
step. How/why did you choose WIC? It's a good target audience. Whatever
you do will likely make an impact.

Joan Guthrie Medlen, RD, LD
Clinical Advisor, Health Literacy and Communications
Special Olympics, Inc.



> Colleagues -

> I am starting the planning phase of a health literacy campaign targeting

> WIC participants in our county. I was wandering if anyone else has done

> a similiar program, or if anyone else is interested in this. I would

> love to share our ideas with you and discuss your ideas as we try to

> develop an effective program. Thank you.


> Matt



> Matt Gayer

> Community Health Intern

> Jefferson County Health Department

> 1818 Lonedell Drive

> Arnold, Missouri, 63010

> Work Phone 636-282-1010

> Cell Phone

> 636-232-4703----------------------------------------------------

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