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[HealthLiteracy 1982] Re: Fw: Guidance on remaining gender neurtral

Joan Medlen

joan at
Thu May 8 20:30:54 EDT 2008

What I do in my writing is acknowledge that I am choosing a gender for ease
of writing, but that the information is not gender specific.

Joan Medlen, RD, LD
Clinical Advisor
Health Literacy and Communications
Special Olympics Healthy Athletes

At 08:50 AM 5/8/2008, you wrote:

>Our style guidelines require that we remain gender neutral. However, my

>sense is that when writing for an audience with very limited literacy

>skills, using "he or she" is not easily understood. Suggestions would be

>greatly appreciated?


>Terri Ades, MS, FNP-BC, AOCN

>Director, Cancer Information

>Health Promotions

>American Cancer Society

>250 Williams Street

>Atlanta, GA 30303-1002


>tades at



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