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[HealthLiteracy 2121] information on photo-novellas

Susan Cort Johnson

suscortjohn at
Wed Jul 9 14:14:45 EDT 2008

B. Denise Hawkins, assoc. director of communications for the National Institute for Literacy, suggested I post questions on photo-novellas-their use and creation-on this discussion list. I am working on an article for Patient Education Management [a monthly published by AHC Media in Atlanta, GA] and will use the information for the piece. Therefore, I would appreciate full names, degrees, position titles and place of employment from responders so I can identify the source.

If you have any questions, or would rather talk in person please contact me at the information below:

Susan Cort Johnson, Editor

Patient Education Management

suscortjohn at

(530) 256-2749

Questions on photo-novellas

1.. Before creating a photo-novella what criteria should you use to evaluate the project to determine if it will be time and money well spent?

2.. Is there a particular audience/s this type of educational literature works well with and who are they? Why are photo-novellas pleasing to this audience?

3.. What tools, resources are required to create a good photo-novella [photographer, printer, etc.] What kind of a timeline should the editor expect?

4.. Are there any pitfalls to creating a photo-novella? What pieces of advice can you give for avoiding problems?

5.. Is a photo-novella always based on a personal story? How do you find a good personal story?

6.. Have you completed a photo-novella? If so, what topic did it address and how do you use it? Did it achieve its intended outcome? Please explain.
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