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[HealthLiteracy 1965] Re: Medical language article in mainstream media

Nancy Meyers

njmeyers at
Mon Apr 28 11:48:36 EDT 2008

While I agree with the need for patients to get more assertive we area still
missing the boat if we wait for this to happen. I work with the Deaf
community --primarily senior citizens. These consumers say: I am afraid to
ask a question because if the doctor asks me a question back, I won't know
the answer? People have to have a basic foundation in how to navigate the
health system and a basic understanding of their own health need to enter a
dialogue....questions set you up for a dialogue. In sign language, there is
one sign for "pain" and about 7 signs for "stupid."....This should tell us
something about the life experience of Deaf people. This does not apply only
to Deaf people but many who are health illiterate and illiterate ---which
assumes English proficiency. Health Advocates, Community Health Workers fill
the gap in "translating" information within the same language. Clinics,
hospitals etc who have Community Health Workers in Minnesota are reimbursed
through Medical Assistance/Medicaid. We hope to have Medicare follow. The
statistics on the cost savings are impressive. The benefit to the patient to
finally comprehend information is ..... as the ad says "priceless."

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:18 PM, <alex.friesen at> wrote:


> Hello good people of the list,


> Here's a link to a news story today on the CBC web site:




> The article itself hold no surprises for us, I'm presuming, but the reader

> comments that follow it are an interesting look into lay people's

> reactions

> to this story of confusing medical jargon and the study thereof.


> ...Alex...


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