Women Expanding /
Literacy Education Action Resource Network


Mission & Vision


Annual Conference

Women's Perspectives

Women Leading
Through Reading

Work Groups / Committees

contact us


c/o Mev Miller
182 Riverside Ave.
Cranston, RI 02910



What is Women Leading Through Reading?

Circles in Boston. MA - (2009-2010)

Sample chapters from TRAINING MANUAL |

ORDER FORM for the Manual

women leading through reading

Women Leading Through Reading (WLTR) Discussion Circles are student-centered and woman supportive. Based on the experiences of "book clubs," women learners connect their reading and discussion to issues and concerns important for their lives as women. The WLTR Circles assist each student to develop her confidence, leadership, and critical thinking skills. The Circles are co-facilitated by women volunteers from the local community.

Many women learners who participate in WLTR Circles have never directly discussed women’s issues. The Circles provide the opportunity to discuss topics women learners may not normally speak about, especially what one learner called “women-stuff.” Women learners have a chance to speak up, sometimes for the first time. The groups help women improve self-esteem. Circles encourage women to share their views and ideas with each other. Women participate in the circles and identify the topics they want to know more about. With the help of the facilitators, they select their own reading materials. The women in the group improve their reading, writing, and discussion abilities. The circles help women to not feel so isolated. They increase their self-confidence, and expand their understanding of the capabilities of women. These are important first steps in finding their voice for women oppressed by cultural practices, political systems, and economic and educational inequality.

For more details about the audiences and goals for Women Leading Through Reading, see our training manual.


WE LEARN has received a continuation grant from the Boston Women's Fund to sponsor Discussion Circles in Boston Area programs between September 2009 - 2010.

The Circles for 2010 are being revised to have new emphasis on Reading-to-Writing.

Using the Women Leading Through Reading format, WE LEARN will use past issues of Women's Perspectives: A Journal of Writings by Adult Learners as the platform for reading. We will combine this with the Call for Writings for the 2010 edition of Women's Perspectives and create peer writing support groups for women to empower their voices and means of expression.

Newly developed materials will be available to all as soon as possible.

For more information, contact Mev Miller at WE LEARN.

Copyright © 2002 - 2006 -- Mev Miller / WE LEARN