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[HealthLiteracy 2278] Health Literacy Fellowship Announced by APTR and ODPHP

Julie McKinney

julie_mcKinney at
Wed Sep 3 13:11:22 EDT 2008

Hi Everyone,

I'm passing on this announcement for a Health Literacy Fellowship.
Please pass on to those who you think may be interested.



The Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) and the
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services proudly announce the request for
applications for the Health Literacy Fellowship as part of the
APTR-ODPHP Health Policy Fellowship Program. Please note this training
opportunity is different from the ehealth Fellowship, which is currently
being filled.

This fellowship offers opportunities in public health planning as well
as federal initiatives in health literacy and health communication.
Fellows will gain leadership experience working in an interprofessional
setting, and training alongside leading experts.

The enclosed application package describes this opportunity in greater
detail and includes all the materials candidates need in order to apply.
Please pass this material on to your students and career offices for
dissemination. Deadline for submissions is September 8, 2008, and
fellows would start in fall, 2008.

Information as well as the application package is also available on the
training portion of the APTR website: Please contact
Scott Galla of APTR (sbg at; 202-463-0550, ext. 137) regarding
any questions that should arise regarding the application process or
administration of the fellowship. Please contact Wendy Braund of ODPHP
(wendy.braund at with questions related to the content of the

For more information on ODPHP, please visit

Scott B. Galla
Program Coordinator
The Association for Prevention Teaching and Research
1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 610
Washington DC 20036
e-mail: sbg at
voice: 202.463.0550 ext. 137
fax: 202.463.0555

Take a look at our new website:

Julie McKinney
Health Literacy List Moderator
World Education
jmckinney at

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