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[HealthLiteracy 2048] U.N. Decade of Literacy: Health Literacy

tsticht at

tsticht at
Fri May 30 14:45:14 EDT 2008

May 30, 2008

Year 6 of the United Nations Decade of Literacy: Literacy and Health

Tom Sticht
International Consultant in Adult Education

On February 13, 2003, the United Nations Literacy Decade was launched, with
the theme of Literacy as Freedom. For the year 2008, the sub-theme of the
UN Literacy Decade is Literacy and Health. In keeping with this theme, I am
incorporating into all of my keynote and workshop presentations for the rest
of the year information about the history of integrated health and literacy
education in the field of adult literacy education over the last century in
the United States. From learning to read in the killing of Mr. Fly in
Kentucky in 1915, to learning to read the four life saving steps of first
aid in work-related contexts of the 1970s, and to the numerous health
literacy activities presently underway in several industrialized nations,
literacy education integrated into health education has followed Mahatma
Gandhi's advice to teach adults literacy in the context of practical

For those who may be interested, following is an updated listing of dates,
venues, and contacts for my speaking engagements through December 2008.

1. June 20, 2008. Socorro, New Mexico. New Mexico Coalition for Literacy
Annual Meeting. Contact: Heather Heunermund, Email: heather at

2. August 6, 2008. Winston-Salem, North Carolina. North Carolina Community
College System Basic Skills and Family Literacy Conference. Contact: Katie
Waters, Email: watersk at

3. September 9, 2008. Hartford, Connecticut. Contact: Andy Tyskiewicz,
Email: atyskiewicz at

4. September 11, 2008. Greensboro, North Carolina. North Carolina Literacy
Association. Contact: Jennifer Gore, Email: jgore at

5. October 14, 2008. Crystal Lake, Illinois. Contact: Richard Clute, Email:
rclute at

6. October 22, 2008. San Diego, California. San Diego Coalition for
Literacy. Contact: Jose Cruz, Email: jcruz at

7. December 5, 2008. Bloomingdale, Illinois. Adult Education Service Center
for Northern Illinois. Contact: Laurie Bercovitz,
bercovitz at

I charge no fee for any of these workshops or presentations, but sponsors
must pay travel expenses and make all arrangements for the events. Contact
me at tsticht at if you want to arrange for a presentation in your

Thomas G. Sticht
International Consultant in Adult Education
2062 Valley View Blvd.
El Cajon, CA 92019-2059
Tel/fax: (619)444-9595,
Email tsticht at

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