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BABY BASICS BookcoverWhat to Expect When You're Expecting, the nation's bestselling pregnancy and parenting series, has helped millions of families from pregnancy through their child's toddler years. But too many families do not know
"what to expect."

  • The US infant mortality rate is higher than that of 28 other nations
  • 50 million Americans read below a 5th grade level
  • 1 in 6 children live in poverty

Thus, the birth of The What to Expect Foundation and our Baby Basics Program.

We help low-income, at-risk parents expect healthier pregnancies, safer deliveries, and happier babies. Baby Basics, our book, program, and philosophy of pregnancy, parenting and health literacy has helped nearly a half million families nationwide.

BABY BASICS MOM The Baby Basics philosophy is based on a simple premise - all parents want to do what's best for their babies, but many don't know what to expect. By helping at-risk families to enjoy reading and learning about pregnancy, and teaching skills needed to ask questions, find answers, and make educated life choices, we will build a positive cycle of health and literacy for a parent who will in turn be able to teach that to their children.

The Book

Baby Basics is a beautifully designed, comprehensive, yet simply written guide for underserved families in English, Spanish and Chinese, with additional materials in 14 languages. Parents receive a free copy of Baby Basics from their provider or educator.

The Program

We train doctors, midwives, nurses, educators, and even the clinic receptionist so they can help expecting parents learn the health and literacy skills they will need to become empowered advocates for their family's health and well-being.

The US Surgeon General speaks about Baby Basics

Heidi Murkoff with VADM Richard Carmona, US Surgeon General in Houston
Heidi Murkoff and VADM Richard Carmona, US Surgeon General

"The Baby Basics Program is a great example of a health literacy initative - one which I hope will be
replicated nationwide."
-VADM Richard Carmona, US Surgeon General