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Urge Congress Not to Eliminate Medicare Payment Update

Health care reform legislation drafted in the House would eliminate the 2010 Medicare payment update nursing homes are scheduled to receive as of Oct. 1. We anticipate similar provisions in the health care reform bill under development in the Senate Finance Committe. Medicare payment cuts would add to the Medicaid reimbursement reductions that skilled nursing facilities in many states have experienced as states grapple with growing budget deficits due to the recession. Read more.

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AAHSA Tools Show Impact of Proposed Medicare Cuts

8/17/2009 - Our Medicare payment experts created new tools for you to see how your nursing facility will be affected by upcoming changes in the Medicare payment system. More information.

Older Americans Act Programs Need Increased Funding

8/17/2009 - Right now, Congress is finalizing funding levels for Older Americans Act (OAA) programs that would take effect Oct. 1. Overall, the Senate would keep funding for most programs at their 2009 levels. This is simply not enough. More information.

August 27: CMS Nursing Home Open Door Forum

8/17/2009 - The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) scheduled the next nursing home open door forum for Aug. 27, from 2 to 3 p.m. Eastern. To participate, dial (800) 837-1935 and enter 22154539. The open door forum usually addresses issues of the nursing home industry in general, including the minimum data set, consolidated billing, the roles and responsibilities of different levels of staff under CMS regulations, rules on claim payments and program announcements. More information.

Cosponsors Needed for Medicare Adult Day Services Bill

8/17/2009 - The Medicare Adult Day Services Act would allow Medicare beneficiaries to use adult day service programs that are certified, licensed, or accredited under an approved accreditation agency to provide post-acute services under Medicare. The legislation needs as many cosponsors as possible to move through the House. More information.


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AAHSA President on Minnesota Public Radio

AAHSA AudioAAHSA President and CEO Larry Minnix joined Minnesota Public Radio to discuss the roll of long-term services ands supports have in health care reform. More information.

FutureAge: Build New Models, Seamlessly

July/August FA coverThe July/August issue of FutureAge, AAHSA’s bimonthly magazine, looks at problems in transitions of care, and how aging-services providers are solving them. Learn more.

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