NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
About Terra Images and Data Earth Observatory Publications Events
TERRA: The EOS Flagship

Terra is a multi-national, multi-disciplinary mission involving partnerships with the aerospace agencies of Canada and Japan. Managed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, the mission also receives key contributions from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Langley Research Center. Terra is an important part of NASA’s Science Mission, helping us better understand and protect our home planet.

Featured Image
Sea Ice off Baffin Island
Sea Ice off Baffin Island

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In the depths of winter, ice hugs the coastline of Canada’s Baffin Island. Summertime sunlight, however, dramatically melts the ice away from the coastline. Seasonal sea ice retreat was well underway when the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite acquired this natural-color (photo-like) image on July 11, 2009.

Clouds often hover over the Arctic during the Northern Hemisphere summer, making cloud-free images such as this one relatively rare. Although a few wispy clouds appear in the upper right and lower left corners of this image, the delicate swirls of white running along the eastern edge of Baffin Island are sea ice. Eddies along Baffin Island’s coast have fashioned the ice into interlocking swirls, especially near Cumberland Sound. Farther north, a long band of ice holds fast to the shore east of Barnes Icecap. Although less inclined to move with the currents, this ice also shows signs of weakening, as its edges splinter, and pieces float away.

The sea ice retreat captured in this image appears typical of seasonal melt. Since the turn of the twenty-first century, however, Arctic sea ice extent has declined sharply, experiencing a series of low summertime extents and poor wintertime recoveries. Arctic sea ice extent set a record low in September 2007. As of July 22, 2009, the National Snow and Ice Data Center reported that, in the first half of July 2009, sea ice declined faster than it did in 2008, but not as fast as it did in 2007.


  1. National Snow and Ice Data Center. (2009, July 22). Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis. Accessed July 23, 2009.
  2. Scott, M. (2009, April 20). Sea Ice. Earth Observatory. Accessed July 23, 2009.

NASA image by Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center. Caption by Michon Scott.

Status Update
August 17 - 23, 2007

(Last Updated 24 August 2007)

Terra Podcasts are courtesy of

Ilan Koren on smoke and clouds over the Amazon
January 6, 2009
Download (mp3, 7.32MB)

Jean-Phillippe Avouac on earthquakes
December 15, 2008
Download (mp3, 9.14MB)

Diane Davies on a wildfire alert system
December 8, 2008
Download (mp3, 9.14MB)

Podcast Archive
(Links on this page may leave this site and connect to a non-NASA resource).

The Amazon's Seasonal Secret
Global Warming
Something under the Ice is Moving
Tropical Deforestation
Fire Alarms from Orbit
Clouds Replace Snow and Ice as Arctic Reflector
Tracking Nature's Contribution to Pollution
Rise and Fall
Defying Dry
Mosaic of Antarctica
Terra Turns Five
High Water: Building a Global Flood Atlas
The Rising Cost of Natural Hazards

Terra images available in
Visible Earth

Or, visit the individual instrument galleries: ASTER / CERES / MISR / MODIS / MOPITT

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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration