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NASAGoddard Space Flight Center+ Aura @ NASA
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Aura Ozone Garden

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The Aura mission studies the Earth's ozone, air quality and climate. It is designed exclusively to conduct research on the composition, chemistry and dynamics of the Earth's atmosphere.
 Five years of Aura

Five Years of Aura

07.15.09 - Aura has fulfilled its requirement for a five year lifetime and continues to provide high quality science. These data are being used to improve our knowledge of climate, air quality, and the physical and chemical processes controlling the Earth's ozone layer. EOS Aura is the caboose of the A-train afternoon constellation of satellites, currently orbiting about seven minutes behind EOS Aqua, CloudSat, and CALIPSO.

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Mission News
06.30.09Smoke Over the Amazon
05.27.09Satellite Measurements Help Reveal Ozone Damage to Important Crops
12.16.08 Satellite Data Reveal Impact of Olympic Pollution Controls
10.31.08 2008 Ozone Hole Maximum Announced

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Aura Science Team Meeting
September 14-17, 2009, Netherlands
  + Overview
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  + Draft Program
  + Draft Invited Speakers

The World We Avoided...

The World We Avoided

The year is 2065. Nearly two-thirds of Earth's ozone is gone - not just over the poles, but everywhere. Take a glimpse into the world we avoided by protecting the ozone layer . + More

Science Results

NO2 in the Troposphere California Fires Aleutians Eruption Air Quality in China Okmok eruption Measurements of BrO Chaiten volcano Eruption
Browse the data and images collected from the Aura instruments. Scroll and select from the images above or View Entire Collection.

Related Web Sites

AURA HQ Web Site
Aura Validation Data Center
Ozone Watch
OMI Sulfur  Dioxide Group
OMI data Center for Astrophysics

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