AED implements more than 250 human and social development projects that are helping millions of people to improve their own lives, strengthen their economies, and build thriving societies. AED’s projects work in the U.S. and in more than 150 countries worldwide.
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A public-private partnership between AED, Sun Microsystems, and USAID, the Global Learning Portal expands the educational resources available to primary and secondary school teachers in developing countries.
The Hygiene Improvement Project (HIP) is designed to improve health by influencing three key hygiene practices: safe disposal of feces, hand washing and safe storage and treatment of water at point-of-use.
This newly awarded PSP Task Order for the Nepal Social Marketing and Franchise Project for AIDS, Reproductive Health (RH) and Child Survival (CS) or N-MARC has the overall purpose of using social marketing and franchising in Nepal to expand products and services with high public health impact to low socio-economic populations.

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