[NIFL-ESL:11160] Professional Development Registry

From: Lynda Terrill (lterrill@cal.org)
Date: Fri Oct 07 2005 - 07:16:36 EDT

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Hello, listers,

The announcement below from the Association of Adult Literacy
Professional Developers may be of interest.

Lynda Terrill

Dear Colleague:
Would you like to access staff development activities, agendas, and
other PD tools or strategies designed and used by other professional
development colleagues? Would you like to obtain feedback from others
about the PD activities you have created?

As a service to the field and in response to a need expressed by our
members, the Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers
created the "Professional Development Registry": an online resource for
sharing PD tools, obtaining feedback, or seeing the actual professional
development activities that others have created -- facilitator guides,
workshop agendas and outlines, and manuals that describe how to conduct
training for adult education practitioners.

Visit: http://www.aalpd.org/
(Click on "PD Registry" in the left-hand toolbar)

The PD Registry evolved from an idea suggested by NIFL-AALPD subscribers
who were looking for a way to share files and obtain feedback from
Materials posted to the PD Registry can be as simple as an agenda or
steps for facilitating a short activity, or it can be fully-developed
training guides and "how to" manuals you have designed and written. The
AALPD does not assess or judge the quality of any resources that are
"registered", we only ask that the resources posted meet the simple
criteria listed below.

Best Regards,

Executive Board, Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers

Acceptance Criteria

AALPD provides the PD registry for access purposes only. AALPD will post
all professional development materials submitted to the PD registry if
they meet the following criteria:

- All submissions to the PD Registry must be "how to" manuals or guides
for facilitating professional development, not just descriptions of
resources about teaching or PD.

- Only professional development resources that are free for downloading
will be posted. Professional development activities that are fee-based
or dependent upon a particular facilitator will not be accepted.

- All the resources must be available electronically, either on another
website or on the AALPD website. If you do not have the means to make
your resource available on a website but it is available electronically,
you can upload your file for submission to the PD Registry using the
online submissions form.

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