Amendment 5: Expanding eligibility to propose to Appendices E.5 and E.6: Supplemental Outreach and Education Awards.

Posted by Max Bernstein at 2009/04/21

Amendment 5 expanding eligibility to propose to Appendices E.5 and E.6: Supplemental Outreach Awards and Supplemental Education Awards for ROSES Investigators.

On or about April 23, 2009, Amendment 5 to the NASA Research Announcement Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2009 (NNH09ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at (select "Solicitations" then "Open Solicitations" then "NNH09ZDA001N").

This amendment makes ROSES investigators with 12 months remaining on the science award (on the due date) eligible to propose to program elements E.5 and E.6 Supplemental Outreach Awards and Supplemental Education Awards.

Also, the name of the document with specific evaluation factors for ROSES Supplemental Awards (and hypertext link) has been updated.

The due dates for both program elements E.5 and E.6: programs remain 9/2/2009 and 3/3/2010.

View the official ROSES program elements from NSPIRES: PDF Iconsupplemental outreach awards | PDF Iconsupplemental education awards

Further information about program elements E.5 and E.6: Supplemental Outreach Awards and Supplemental Education Awards for ROSES Investigators, is available from:

Dr. Larry Cooper
Science Mission Directorate
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 20546
Telephone: (202) 358-1531

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