Amendment 8: a revised version of Appendix D.10, MOST U.S. Guest Observer – Cycle 2

Posted by Max Bernstein at 2009/07/07 13:20:00 US/Eastern

In Appendix D.10 of ROSES 09 NASA solicits proposals for the acquisition and analysis of new scientific data from the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) observatory through a partnership between NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The MOST mission is designed to conduct photometric studies with high precision sufficient to perform stellar asteroseismology studies and other variability analyses of stars and exoplanet systems. Awards given in response to this MOST U.S. Guest Observer (GO) program - Cycle 2 solicitation will begin on or around February 1, 2010, and awards will have a 12-month duration. GO investigations may address any area of astrophysics and are not restricted to asteroseismological studies.

PDF IconView the official ROSES program element from NSPIRES.

Notices of Intent to propose (NOIs) are due August 28, 2009, and proposals are now due on October 9, 2009. Further information about this program element is available from Dr. Padi Boyd at padi.boyd or (202) 358-2368.

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