Enewsletter from Congressman Todd Russell Platts, Representing the People of the 19th District of Pennsylvania

Tax and Health Legislation Enacted into Law

In December 2006, the 109th Congress completed its legislative business for the year with the passage of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 (H.R. 6111).  This bipartisan legislation contained provisions related to taxes, health care, and energy, passing by a margin of 367 to 45 in the House of Representatives and 79 to 9 in the Senate.

First, H.R. 6111 extended several tax provisions that had either expired or were set to expire by the end of the year.  These provisions included a Research & Development tax credit for businesses, certain incentives for renewable electricity production, and an above-the-line deduction for families with higher education expenses.

Second, H.R. 6111 expanded Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) for individuals with high deductible health insurance policies, allowing families to put more away into HSAs and thereby pay more of their medical bills with tax-exempt dollars.  H.R. 6111 also stopped a cut in physician reimbursements that was scheduled to automatically occur under an out-of-date Medicare formula, thereby helping ensure seniors continue having their choice of doctor under the Medicare program.

Finally, H.R. 6111 contains compromise provisions related to offshore oil and natural gas drilling.  Specifically, H.R. 6111 allows offshore drilling in an 8.3 million-acre portion of the eastern Gulf of Mexico.  Under the bill, however, no leases can be granted for areas within 100 miles of Florida's coast.  In addition, the state-portion of royalties generated by the leases can only be used for Land and Water Conservation Fund grants or Gulf state projects related to conservation, environmental restoration, or reducing the environmental impact of offshore drilling.

Congressman Platts voted in favor of H.R. 6111.  The President signed the bill into law on December 20, 2006.

110th Congress Begins

The 110th Congress convened on January 4, 2007.  The United States House of Representatives began with consideration and debate of the rules which will govern the House in the new session.  An op-ed written by Congressman Platts at the end of 2006 outlining his thoughts on the year ahead is posted on the web site http://www.house.gov/apps/list/hearing/pa19_platts/civility.html.

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