Amendment 9: a new proposal opportunity in Appendix A.39: ESSP Venture-class Science Investigations: Earth Venture-1

Posted by Max Bernstein at 2009/07/10 09:40:00 US/Eastern

This amendment establishes a new program element in Appendix A.39 entitled “ESSP Venture-class Science Investigations: Earth Venture-1.”  The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Earth Science Division’s Earth Venture (EV) is a new element within the Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP) Program. Earth Venture consists of a series of regularly solicited, competitively selected Earth Science investigations as recommended by the recent National Research Council’s decadal survey in Earth science, Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond. This Earth Venture-1 program element within the ROSES-09 NASA Research Announcement solicits proposals for complete suborbital science investigations to conduct innovative, integrated, hypothesis or scientific question-driven approaches to Earth system science, involving temporally sustained data acquisition. For the purpose of this solicitation, a suborbital investigation is one that uses airborne data acquisition systems that may be augmented by surface and/or subsurface facilities. Each suborbital Venture-class investigation must have a life cycle of less than or equal to 5 years and total investigation cost not to exceed $30 million. NASA intends that funds provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 will be utilized to partially fund contracts for selected proposals.

Notices of Intent to propose are due September 2, 2009, and proposals are due November 6, 2009. A pre-proposal workshop for the Earth Venture-1 proposal opportunity will be held in the Washington, DC, area on August 26, 2009. Further details on the EV-1 pre-proposal workshop will be made available on the index page for this EV-1 program element at

PDF IconView the official ROSES program element from NSPIRES.

Further information about the Earth Venture-1 program element is available from Dr. Hal Maring, at (202) 358-1679 or email Hal Maring.

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