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9-10-2007 Contact: Robert Reilly
Deputy Chief of Staff
Office: (717) 600-1919
  For Immediate Release    

House Passage of Platts Resolution Recognizing "Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month"




Mr. Speaker, I rise to strongly support House Resolution 257.  This resolution will to help increase awareness for pancreatic cancer, the deadliest of all cancers. 

Mr. Speaker, few Americans may understand that pancreatic cancer is a horrific killer. This year alone, over 37,000 people will be diagnosed with this disease.  Sadly, 99% of those diagnosed will lose their lives due to a lack of early detection tools.

Many Americans are not aware that pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all cancers; only four percent of patients will survive beyond five years after diagnosis.  This is why it is a moral imperative for Congress to work to increase awareness of this deadly cancer. 

I became aware of the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (known as “Pan CAN”) through a constituent of mine, Bob Hammen, who lost his wife to this terrible disease.  Pan CAN is the only national advocacy organization which provides support for pancreatic cancer patients and their families.

In their efforts to raise awareness for pancreatic cancer, Pan CAN regards each November as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.  H. Res. 257 supports Pan CAN’s efforts to raise the awareness which is desperately needed to improve early detection methods and treatment for this disease.

Mr. Speaker, because all of our fellow citizens have family, friends and neighbors who are regrettably vulnerable to this dreaded disease, I urge support from my distinguished colleagues for this resolution here today.

Thank you.  



