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January 12, 2006 Contact: Robert Reilly
Deputy Chief of Staff
Office: (717) 600-1919
  For Immediate Release    

Platts Outlines Principles for Lobbying Reform

The following is a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Congressman David Drier, chairman of the House Rules Committee, where Congressman Todd Platts outlines a lobbying reform proposal which would bolster government accountability and establish a culture of personal responsibility.

The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert
U.S. House of Representatives
H-232 Capitol
Washington DC 20515

The Honorable David Dreier
Committee on Rules
U.S. House of Representatives
H-312 Capitol
Washington DC 20515

Dear Mr. Speaker and Chairman Dreier,

I applaud your commitment to lobbying reform.  During this difficult time, it is essential that we move quickly to enact strong reforms that will reaffirm the public's confidence in their elected leaders. 

As Chairman of the Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Management, Finance, and Accountability, I have had the opportunity to examine the various mechanisms and controls for accountability in government.  In my work I have seen that ensuring the public trust relies on three principles: transparency, accountability, and establishing a culture of personal responsibility.  

Enclosed is a summary of what I believe should be included in any reform effort.  My staff stands ready to assist you in drafting legislation.  The key elements of my proposal include:
1. Enhanced Transparency by increasing disclosure of contacts on the part of Members, staff and lobbyists, and enhancing the disclosure of possible conflicts-of-interest to clients;

2. Increased Accountability by providing a mechanism to audit disclosure reports, and requiring the Clerk of the House or the Secretary of the Senate to communicate explicitly - in writing - the exact nature and timing of lobbying restrictions for former Members and staff; and

3. Establishing Personal Responsibility by prohibiting all gifts from registered lobbyists to Members and staff, with a provision for acceptance of gifts from personal friends only with a pre-approved Ethics Committee letter.  Members, staff, and lobbyists would be subject to annual ethics education requirements.    In addition, lobbyists would be required to register personally - not by firm - with the Clerk of the House or Secretary of the Senate, and each lobbyist would be personally responsible for the content of disclosure reports. 

The right and ability of citizens to petition their government dates back to the Magna Carta, and as we proceed we must be mindful that we do not restrict this right.  By strengthening the transparency, accountability, and personal responsibility of Members, staff, and lobbyists, we can begin to restore public trust without depriving citizens of their right to petition the government, as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. 

Again, thank you for your commitment to this important effort.  Please feel free to contact me or Mike Hettinger, Staff Director of the Subcommittee on Government Management, Finance, and Accountability, at (202) 225-3741.



Todd Russell Platts
Member of Congress


Key Provisions to Lobbying Reform Bill

 Ban on Gifts from Registered Lobbyists

Amend the LDA and any applicable Congressional Rules to prohibit a registered lobbyist from providing or a Member of Congress or congressional staff member from receiving any gift or item of value.  Exceptions may be provided for gifts from personal friends, provided that the Member or congressional staff member receives approval in writing from the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct in the House, or the Select Committee on Ethics in the Senate in advance of receiving or agreeing to receive the gift.

 Content of lobbying disclosure reports

Amend the LDA to establish a requirement that disclosure reports identify the specific congressional office or executive branch department/agency contacted and the date or dates of that contact, and the individual or individuals making the contact.  Require that each individual lobbyist named in a disclosure report sign the lobbying report.

 Disclosure of all lobbyist conflicts of interest

Amend the LDA to establish a requirement that all lobbyists be required to disclose to their clients all conflicts of interest.

 Improvements to notification system regarding post employment restrictions

Amend the LDA to require that the Clerk of the House provide written notification to the former employee, as well as the former employee's employing office, as well as any other offices where the restriction applies, notifying of the date on which the restriction begins, the date on which the restriction ends, and the specific terms of the restriction.

 Establishment of requirement for individual lobbying registration

Amend the LDA to require that each individual hired to lobby file an individual lobbying registration with the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate.  The Clerk of the House and the Secretary of Senate shall be required to issue individual registration numbers to each registered person. This requirement is intended as an additional requirement to be undertaken along with the current requirement that lobbying firms must register.

 Establishment of rules and ethics certification program for lobbyists

Establish a requirement that, on an annual basis, each person registered to lobby under the LDA, participate in a House and Senate Rules and government ethics training and certification program. This program shall be offered in person and shall require no fewer than 8 hours of training the first year and not fewer than 4 hours each subsequent year.  Each participant is required to complete the program and upon completion will be issued a certificate of completion, which will be filed with the Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate.  The program shall be administered jointly by the Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate.

 Ethics education for Members and Congressional Staff

Establish a requirement that Members and staff participate in a mandatory annual ethics briefing sponsored by the respective House and Senate Ethics Committees, as a condition of continued employment. 

 Comptroller General review and semiannual reports

Establish a requirement that the Comptroller General review on an ongoing basis the activities carried out by the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate under section 6 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act to ensure the effectiveness of those activities and that the Clerk and Secretary have the proper resources to ensure compliance.

 Biannual Audit by Government Accountability Office

Establish a requirement that the GAO complete on a biannual basis, at the end of each Congress, an audit of compliance with the requirements of the LDA.















