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Adult Literacy Education

Welcome to the Adult Literacy Education (ALE) Wiki! *
Learn about adult literacy education here, including English language learning, numeracy, and adult basic and secondary education. Add knowledge from your experience teaching adult learners, from research or professional wisdom, or from your experience as an adult learner. The ALE Wiki is a community of practice with links to research for practitioners, researchers, learners and others.

Once you have logged in, you may add content to any topic. Type your comments, select the "Show preview" button at the bottom of the page to see what they look like and then, when you like how they look, select the "Save page" button. To create a new topic, email ALE Wiki organizer, David J. Rosen, at djrosen1& (substitute @ for & and leave no spaces). Although some people add to the discussion here, unlike an electronic list where dialog may be frequent and lively, for the most part discussion archived here has taken place on electronic lists elsewhere. To learn who the volunteer contributors are for this community effort, select WhosHere.

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Throughout the ALE Wiki you will see links in blue (or if you have already selected them, in violet). These take you to other sections, pages, wikis and web sites. For a (free) login account, or if you already have an account, go to User Login . After logging in you can add your ideas, knowledge and/or experience.

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* wiki is a Hawaiian word meaning "quick" - wiki wiki means "very very quickly".

The Adult Literacy Education Wiki was created on 11/27/04 by ALE Wiki Organizer, David J. Rosen
E-mail: djrosen1& (substitute @ for & and leave no spaces)