May 15, 2009

Posted by Max Bernstein at 2009/05/15

A number of things have been updated on the grant solicitations page, including: a community announcement regarding the draft Discovery AO and a call, due May 31, from Randolph Kirk of the USGS regarding the Planetary Photogrammetry Guest Facility at the USGS in Flagstaff, Arizona.  As always there is a link to our list of amendments, clarifications, and corrections to ROSES 2009 all in one place, including with a convenient RSS feed, so you always know when ROSES is changing including.  In the past month we have posted: Amendment 5: Expanding eligibility to propose to Appendices E.5 and E.6: Supplemental Outreach and Education Awards, and a clarification to B.9 Causes and Consequences of the Minimum of Solar Cycle 24.

Selections from a whole slew of ROSES 2008 programs have been made and the numbers have posted on the ROSES 08 selections list, including: Planetary Mission Data Analysis (PMDAP), Planetary Instrument Definition and Development (PIDD), Moon and Mars Analog Missions Activities (MMAMA), Guest Investigator Studies with C/NOFS, Astrobiology: Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology (EXOB), Earth Science Applications Feasibility Studies, Decision Support through Earth Science Research Results, Lunar and Planetary Science US PI (Salmon H1), Living With a Star: both Strategic Capability and Targeted Research and Technology, and an additional selection was made for Swift Guest Investigator - Cycle 5. 

Updates were made to the Astrophysics and Planetary Division Corners, a few new articles were posted on the science matters page, and small updates were made to the list of program officers, the student fellowships page, and others.

Last, but certainly not least, the grant stats spreadsheets with selection data for can be downloaded in PDF or excel format from the grant stats page.

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