December 12th 2008

Posted by Max Bernstein at 2009/02/12 13:41:13.563 US/Eastern

Selections for a half dozen programs from ROSES 2008 were announced in the past month, as well as the Earth Surface and Interior program from ROSES 2007, and summary information for these are posted on the Grant Stats page, where you will also find updated spreadsheets (of selection information from ROSES 2007 & 2008) downloadable in Excel and PDF format.

The Grant Solicitations page has updated to list of the recent Amendments to ROSES 2008 including #32 for MAAMA, a request for information regarding Instruments for U.S. ILN Lunar Missions, a draft New Frontiers Announcement of Opportunity, and an updated downloadable PDF of the future solicitations.

Updates have been made to the program officer’s list, including new contact information for Stephanie Stockman who is now here at NASA HQ, and updated contact info for the lunar programs, since Dr. Kelly Snook has been replaced by Dr. Jennifer Heldmann. 

Some new articles were posted on the science matters page including speculation as to the next administrator, alternatives to the Vision for Space Exploration, and manned asteroid missions as faster springboard to Mars.

Two new science papers have been added to the highlights page: one on a result from the Aqua satellite and the other from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Finally, the events calendar has been updated, and you can view the talks by Max Bernstein and Jim Green from NASA night online.


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