July 27, 2009

Posted by ckaiser at 2009/07/27 15:20:00 US/Eastern

An important change has come to NSPIRES, the web page through which proposals are submitted.  For proposals due on or after August 8, 2009 all team members (e.g., Co-Investigators, Collaborators, etc.) MUST officially agree to participate on a proposal online through the NSPIRES web page. If a team member is invited to participate, but they don't confirm their participation online, then the PI will have to remove them for the proposal to be submitted. I have created a walk through of this online participation process with screen captures because NSPIRES is not always totally intuitive. You can download this guide as a PDF IconPDF file here. This and other similar guides will appear in the future on the bottom of my NSPIRES hints web page.

As always we maintain a list of the relevant open calls for proposals on the solicitations web page, which currently includes not only the ongoing solicitations such as our omnibus solicitation, ROSES-2009, but also links to other ones such as the Office of Education's Competitive Program for Science Museums and Planetariums (CP4SMP), Community Announcements such as the one regarding Draft Discovery AO, requests for information, and a list of planned future solicitations.
We track the changes to ROSES 2009, with our amendments, clarifications, and corrections web page and there is also an RSS feed as well. Since I have last posted to this what’s new list we have released at least a half dozen such changes to ROSES, including Amendment 11, which presents the final text for B.6 Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology, and announces that B.7 Strategic Capability proposals will not be solicited this year.

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