January 27th 2009

Posted by Max Bernstein at 2009/02/12 13:51:42.998 US/Eastern

NASA Reponse to Bloggers on Keck Observatory Future Funding

The FY09 budget plan, prepared under former Science Mission Directorate Associate  Administrator Alan Stern, reflects only the current 5-year agreement in place for the Keck Observatory. That plan ends funding in 2012.  NASA officials will consider continued funding for projects such as Keck when they meet in the coming months to discuss the next 5-year planning cycle. This is part of the normal annual federal budget deliberations. Given the success and work of the  observatory, it is expected funding will continue. In fact, the science  directorate, under the current leadership of Ed Weiler, finished renewing a five-year cooperative agreement to continue its support of Keck based on recommendations from the science community during last year's NAC-subcommittee meetings.

Visit: http://nasascience.nasa.gov/about-us/NAC-subcommittees/nac-documents/2008-01_APS_Letter_Recommendations.pdf

NASA highly values its investment in  Keck as a strategic research tool that enhances the scientific return of NASA  missions. The observatory provides unique capabilities for making important  scientific observations that affect future mission planning. One example is  finding methane in the Martian atmosphere that was recently announced.

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