NIOSHTIC-2 No. 20022998

Diesel Exhaust Aerosol, Review of Measurement Technology

November 1996

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The U.S. Bureau of mines and others have conducted a number of occupational exposure surveys since the publication of the International Agency for Research on Cancer report of 1989, which labeled diesel exhaust as a probable human carcinogen. These surveys have assessed diesel exhaust exposure using measurement of diesel aerosol and/or specific polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as indicators of exposure. This report reviews, available diesel exhaust aerosol and gas measurement techniques. Measurement of human exposure to toxic agents if the first step in determining the exposure-dose-response relationship. It is a fundamental step in risk assessment. Measuring exposure to diesel exhaust pollutants if particularly challenging due to the complexity and variability of exhaust components. This paper reviews current occupational health standards for diesel emissions and available diesel exhaust gas and aerosol measurement techniques. Although surveys in mines have primarily assessed diesel exhaust exposure using diesel particulate matter (DPM) some exhaust gas measurements have been used as indicators of exposure. DPM is emphasized because it is a major component of diesel exhaust, is suspected to make a major contribution to the health hazard, and is measurable.

Author(s):Cantrell-BK, Watts-WF
Reference:The Canadian Adhoc Committee Proceedings of the November 6-7, 1996, Plenary Conference in Toronto, Ontario, Diesel Emissions Exposure Reduction in Mines. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET) :7.1-7.9

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division