Heliophysics MOWG's

Management Operations Working Groups (MOWG’s) are informal groups who help NASA discipline personnel maintain a close relationship with the space science community. NASA regulations do not specifically authorize MOWG’s, although they do distinguish emphatically between advisory committees and operational review groups. Members of advisory committees legally become government employees during their service, their meetings must be publicly advertised well in advance, and meetings are fully open to whoever wishes to attend. In contrast, MOWGs meet more informally and the hard-copy result of an MOWG meeting is by tradition a series of “Findings” rather than a set of “Recommendations.” MOWG products may include analytical papers, staff analyses, or other types of work products that explain or analyze a situation or a set of facts or data but do not specifically recommend a particular decision or course of action. A working group may also set up a series of options or identify the strengths and weaknesses and/or costs and benefits of alternative courses of action. MOWG Findings are submitted by the MOWG Chair to the Heliophysics Advisory Subcommittee, which is a standing subcommittee of the NASA Advisory Council (NAC); it also supports the advisory needs of the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD).   The scope of the Subcommittee includes the study of the Sun, the Sun’s connections to the space environments of the bodies of the solar system, and the heliosphere out to its interface with the interstellar medium. The membership of the Subcommittee consists of 12-15 leading scientists with relevant expertise drawn from industry, academia, and government institutions.  Members will generally be appointed to two- or three-year terms, and approximately one third of members will be replaced annually.

Geospace MOWG

Current Members:

  • William Lotko, Chair, Dartmouth
  • Philip Anderson, UTD
  • Bela Fejer, Utah State
  • Reiner Friedel, Los Alamos
  • Larry Kepko, New Hampshire
  • Dirk Lummerzheim, Alaska
  • Kristina Lynch, New Hampshire
  • Tai-Duc Phan, Berkeley
  • John Sigwarth, GSFC
  • David Siskind, NRL
  • Stanley Solomon, NCAR

Ex Officio Members:

  • Dick Fisher, NASA HQ
  • Mary Mellott, NASA HQ


Living With a Star MOWG information can be found at:

Solar & Heliospheric MOWG

Current Members:

  • Dr. Joseph B. Gurman, Chair, Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Dr. George Doschek, Naval Research Laboratory
  • Dr. Pete Riley, Predictive Science, Inc. (PSI)
  • Dr. James Ryan, University New Hampshire
  • Dr. Bernard Jackson, University of California at San Diego
  • Dr. Shadia Habbal, University of Hawaii
  • Prof. Petrus C. Martens, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
  • Dr. Desai Mihir, Southwest Research Institute
  • Dr. Joan Schmelz, University of Memphis
  • Dr. Karel Schrijver, Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory
  • Dr. Chuck Smith, University of New Hampshire
  • Dr. Ming Zhang, Florida Institute of Technology

Ex Officio Members:

  • Dr. Richard R. Fisher, NASA Headquarters
  • Dr. Alexei Pevtsov , NASA Headquarters
  • Dr. Arik Posner, NASA Headquarters
  • Dr. Therese Kucera, NASA Headquarters