Federal Trade Commission Received Documents July 30, 1996 P894219 B18354900338 Congress of the United States House of Representatives BILL PAXON 27TH DISTRICT, NEW YORK June 18, 1996 The Honorable Janet Steiger Chairwoman Federal Trade Commission Pennsylvania and 6th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20580 Dear Chairwoman Steiger: Enclosed you will find information I received from Mr. Ted Shawe, one of my constituents. He has contacted my office regarding the "Made in USA" labelling on his New Balance shoes. I would respectfully ask that your office consider his comments and keep me informed of any further developments or activity regarding this issue. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, BILL PAXON Representative BP: mm I sit here in my "made in the USA" New Balance shoes stunned and angry after hearing a piece on Morning Edition on the FTC meetings on the meaning of the phrase "Made in USA. " An executive from New Balance was interviewed for the piece and made several astonishing statements. I go out of my way to avoid buying products from China and other countries which rely on forced and/or sweatshop-style labour to produce low-price goods for the world markets. I rely on these "Made in..." lables to avoid such products. Often I pay a premium price (as I did with these shoes) to avoid these products. Now I find out these New Balance shoes I paid extra for have outsoles from CHINA! The excuse was provided that "we can't find outsoles anywhere in the US." How am I to avoid supporting the often horrendous labour practices in other countries if I can not trust "Made in USA" to MEAN made in USA? This content law was put in place to inform and protect consumers NOT industry. The FTC should enforce its position that "made in ..." MEANS MADE in ...! New Balance should be ashamed at hiding behind a loophole in governmental regulations to disguise the source of materials in their shoes. I was pleased with my New Balance shoes when I found them; now, I am simply disgusted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ted Showe email: tshawe@ henr.mc.xerox.com 231 Mulberry Drive --o or 70641.614@compuserve.com o-- o-- Farmington NY 14425-7058 -\< POTS: 315 986 4372 (*)/ (*).all the news that causes fits. (*)\---\(*) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------