Federal Trade Commission Received Documents July 8, 1996 P894219 B18354900333 DALE E. KILDEE 9TH DISTRICT, MICHIGAN CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON, DC 20515-2209 The Honorable Robert Pitofsky Chairman Federal Trade Commission Sixth and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20580 Dear Chairman Pitofsky: It is my understanding the Federal Trade Commission is conducting a comprehensive review of the standard for "Made in U.S.A." advertising and labeling claims. I would urge the Commission not to weaken the current standard which limits the use of an unqualified "Made in Use,, claim to products that meet the Hall or virtually all" test. It is my belief the current standard for such use of "Made in U.S.A." has served a valuable purpose for American consumers. The "Made in U.S.A." claim is an affirmative representation to all consumers that Hall or virtually all" of the product in Question is of U.S. origin. I am concerned that some manufacturers who use foreign made parts or labor are seeking a more relaxed standard on this issue. I would hope the Commission would reject these appeals. I am concerned that a more flexible definition of the "Made in U.S.A." standard would undermine incentives for American-based manufacturing facilities, and it would cost good-paying American jobs. Therefore, I would once again urge the Commission to maintain the current standard as it relates to unqualified "Made in U.S.A." claims for products. Please make this letter part of the public record in accordance with procedures under 61 F.R. 18600, April 26, 1996. Thank you for your consideration of this issue. Sincerely, Dale E. Kildee, M.C.