Federal Trade Commission Received Documents [Aug. 15, 1995] B18354900317 Secretary August 8, 1995 Federal Trade Commission Office of the Secretary "Made in the USA" 6th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20580 Dear Sirs/Ladies: This responds to the July 14, 1995 article in USA Today advising that the FTC is seeking comments on what consumers think "Made in USA" means. Let me preface my remarks by stating that I make every effort and indeed go out of my way to try to purchase American made products. I was truly disappointed to read that many shoes manufactured by New Balance are not made in our country. I was particularly disheartened because I had recently purchased a pair of NB shoes, in large measure because I believed they were made here. I find their advertising campaign deceptive and misleading and I trust that you will aggressively pursue this matter with a view toward prohibiting them from continuing to engage in such conduct. "Made in the USA" means to me that the product was assembled and manufactured in this country by American workers. "Made in the USA" does not mean "Made in China". If the product is partially made in the USA let them represent their product as being so made. "Made in the USA" clearly implies that the entire product is made here. Many thanks for your consideration of my comments. I am pleased that you are pursuing this matter. Alan Steinberg AS:fcr ALAN STEINBERG COMMERCE PLAZA 3 5050 W. TILGHMAN STREET ALLENTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 18104