Federal Trade Commission Received Document [8/3/95] B18354900311 Secretary CRANSTON PRINT WORKS COMPANY CORPORATE OFFICES 1381 CRANSTON STREET, CRANSTON, RHODE ISLAND 02920-6789 401-943-4800 FAX 401-943-3971 August 1, 1995 Mr. Donald Clark Secretary Federal Trade Commission Room H-159 Sixth and Pennsylvania Avenues, NW Washington, DC 20580 Re:Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, 16 C.F.R., Part 303 Hyde Athletic Industries, Inc. and New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. Matter Dear Mr. Clark: We have recently read of the Federal Trade Commission's decision to postpone its scheduled trial of New Balance Athletic Shoe before an administrative law judge and to renegotiate its settlement with Hyde Athletic Industries, Inc. In light of those facts, we felt it prudent and timely to contact the FTC to re-iterate Cranston Print Works Company's position on the country of origin ("Made in America7) issue of product labeling. We continue to believe that the FTC's current "Made in America" standard is far too stringent and does not begin to acknowledge the incredible value-added contributions of labor, creative skills, and technology which are provided domestically. Naturally, we do not have specific information about or knowledge of the specific situations facing either Hyde Athletic Industries, Inc. or New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. and, as such, cannot comment on their particular cases. We do, however, support a review and revision of the FTC country of origin standards to better reflect today's realities; it appears clear that these companies share our concerns. In summary, Cranston Print Works Company strongly encourages the FTC to revisit this issue and to re-write the regulations to reflect the enormous contributions made domestically. Our position is more fully and completely stated in our November 18, 1994 letter to you, a copy of which is enclosed. AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY Mr. Donald Clark August 1, 1995 Page Two We hope to hear more about FTC's plans for public workshops, public comment, etc. through the Federal Register and we will monitor this situation carefully. We hope that our comments will be included in any rulemaking docket that has been or will be established on this issue. Sincerely, George W. Shuster President Enclosure [11-18-94 enclosure not attached to original - See also Comment #38 by Cranston]