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Founded in 1992, NASTAD is a non-profit national association of state health department HIV/AIDS program directors who have programmatic responsibility for administering HIV/AIDS health care, prevention, education, and supportive services programs funded by state and federal governments. Read more >
HIV Prevention
HIV Care & Treatment
Racial/Ethnic Disparities
Viral Hepatitis
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Program Highlights
Greater Than AIDS
Greater Than AIDS is a public information campaign of the Black AIDS Media Partnership (BAMP), a sustained commitment among major U.S. media companies to work together to address the AIDS crisis facing Black Americans. Organized by the Black AIDS Institute and Kaiser Family Foundation, BAMP is designed to help refocus national attention on the HIV/AIDS crisis in the United States, the Partnership is undertaking a coordinated campaign presented under a common brand - Greater Than AIDS - to reach Black Americans with life-saving information about HIV/AIDS and to confront the stigma surrounding the disease. 

Act Against AIDS Campaign
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) has launched a new HIV/AIDS awareness campaign. Although HIV infection is preventable, every 9½ minutes, someone in the U.S. is infected with the virus.  The Act Against AIDS campaign is designed to contribute to the goal of reducing HIV incidence in the United States.  Act Against AIDS

National HIV Prevention Inventory
NASTAD and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation partnered together to produce this report that offers a baseline picture of how HIV prevention is delivered across the country. It provides policymakers, public health officials, community organizations, and others a more in-depth understanding of HIV prevention and the role played by health departments in its delivery. The report is based on a survey of 65 health departments, including all state and territorial jurisdictions and six CDC directly funded U.S. cities and provides a comprehensive inventory of HIV prevention efforts at state and local levels.

A New Blueprint for the Future: Ending the Epidemic Through the Power of Prevention
In April 2008, NASTAD released a revised version of A New Blueprint for the Nation: Ending the Epidemic Through the Power of Prevention, along with a companion policy agenda. The Blueprint provides guideline for state and territorial health departments for ensuring they have the financial, political and programmatic resources necessary and in place to meaningfully scale up domestic HIV prevention efforts for the future.

NASTAD Prevention Policy Agenda
On November 29, 2007, NASTAD introduced a Prevention Policy Agenda to accompany its newly-released Blueprint, which includes recommendations for federal funding increases and expansion of core HIV/AIDS programs and services at the state and local levels.

Impact of State Budget Cuts on HIV/AIDS Programs
NASTAD conducted a survey of state health department HIV/AIDS programs in February 2009 to determine how state budget cuts are affecting HIV care and treatment, prevention, surveillance and viral hepatitis programs. Thirty-seven (37) states responded to the survey and this summary details the impact that state HIV/AIDS programs are experiencing as a result of state fiscal crises.

H1N1 Influenza Virus Information
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued interim guidance on H1N1 influenza virus in HIV infected individuals. To summarize, patients with HIV are at higher risk for more severe influenza and should be treated as high risk individuals. There are no absolute contraindications for co-administration of oseltamivir or zanamivir, the two drugs recommended to be used for prevention and treatment of H1N1, with currently available antiretroviral medications.

Youth Issue Brief #1 - HIV/AIDS among Young Black and Latino Gay Men
This issue brief, the first in a three-part series, explores current epidemiological data on young Black and Latino gay men, social determinants of health, structural barriers related to power and privilege and environmental and policy factors. The issue brief also provides strategies for health departments and their community partners to use in their efforts to better understand and reach these populations.

Youth Issue Brief #2 - Reframing Youth as Assets
This issue brief, the second in a three-part series, explores youth development as a prevention strategy for health departments aimed at improving the sexual health outcomes of young people having the greatest risk of HIV and STD infections. It outlines the premises of the youth development approach and provides a description of key elements demonstrated in effective youth development programs.

National ADAP Monitoring Project Annual Report 2009 - Full Report
The 2009 National ADAP Monitoring Project Annual Report provides the latest data on state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs). ADAPs, authorized under Part B of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act, provide HIV/AIDS-related prescription drugs to uninsured and underinsured individuals living with HIV/AIDS. ADAPs operate in 58 U.S. state, territories, and associated jurisdictions. The report, the thirteenth in an annual series, was prepared by NASTAD and the Kaiser Family Foundation. It was released during a live webcast on April 7, 2009.


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Copyright 2000-2007 - National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
444 North Capitol Street, NW • Suite 339 • Washington D.C. 20001 • (202) 434-8090 •