
EPA Podcast en Español Volumen 1

El aire que respiramos contiene millones de partículas de polvo, alérgenos, químicos, contaminantes y otras pequeñas moléculas microscópicas. Y mientras el polen y la contaminación exterior se llevan toda la atención, estudios realizados por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés), indican que el nivel de contaminación al interior de hogares [...]

FDA Issues Nebulizer Medication Theft Alert: Patients Urged to Check Their Medication

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning healthcare professionals and the public about a shipment of a nebulizer medication that was recently stolen. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) and Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA) urge patients using the nebulizer medication Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.083% to check [...]

AANMA and National Jewish Health Partner to help clean up the air in your home

You’ve been to the allergist. You know what you’re allergic to. But is it lurking in your home? And if so, to what degree?
How can you tell?
Now there’s a way to find out: an easy-to-use kit developed and serviced by National Jewish Health (NJH), the nation’s leading respiratory hospital center — and offered in partnership [...]

Thank You to Our Volunteers!

Thank you to all of our PRECIOUS Breathers (TM) volunteers! We’re thrilled to report that many AANMA members generously responded to our call for volunteers to distribute information about this new program for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Now we’re ready for the next step–to get the word out about this valuable new resource for parents. [...]

The Nurse Is In: Singulair and Mood Changes—What Parents Should Know (updated)

I’ve read about suicidal tendencies associated with Singulair and that FDA has published an advisory. What do I need to know as a parent of a child with asthma who has done quite well taking this medication for nearly two years?
–Jean S., Washington, D.C.

Respirando con AANMA 9

Nariz tapada, dolor de garganta o tos. Estos síntomas, originados por un resfrío común o una gripe (flu), son para la mayoría sólo algo incómodo y molesto. Sin embargo, para el que padece de asma incluso una infección respiratoria leve puede significar mayores problemas y provocar síntomas como silbido en el pecho, falta de aire [...]

All Articles, Asthma Basics, Basics

INTAL Inhalers Discontinued

King Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of INTAL® Inhaler (cromolyn sodium inhalation aerosol) has announced that it will discontinue production of the inhaler. Currently, orders for INTAL inhalers will be accepted until the manufacturer’s supply is sold out, so the exact date of unavailability isn’t known.

All Articles, Allergy Basics, Asthma Basics, At Home, Basics, Childcare

News 2 Use: Zinc Products Recalled

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently advised people not to use three over-the-counter intranasal products that contain zinc: Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Gel, Gel Swabs and Kids Size Swabs, saying they can damage users’ sense of smell. For refunds, call 877-942-2626 or visit www.zicam.com.

Alergias, All Articles, Asma, What's New, en Español

EPA Podcast en Español Volumen 1

El aire que respiramos contiene millones de partículas de polvo, alérgenos, químicos, contaminantes y otras pequeñas moléculas microscópicas. Y mientras el polen y la contaminación exterior se llevan toda la atención, estudios realizados por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA, por sus siglas en inglés), indican que el nivel de contaminación al interior de hogares [...]

All Articles, Featured, Nancy's Blog

What’s on your mind?

There’s something new about asthma, allergies and COPD in the news nearly every day–but how much of it’s valid and how much of it is just hype?
You’ll notice that we don’t get flustered about most of the news that comes out. That’s because we have a team of medical advisors that give us the bottom [...]

All Articles, At Home, At School, Childcare, What's New

FDA Issues Nebulizer Medication Theft Alert: Patients Urged to Check Their Medication

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning healthcare professionals and the public about a shipment of a nebulizer medication that was recently stolen. The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) and Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA) urge patients using the nebulizer medication Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation Solution 0.083% to check [...]

All Articles, Allergy Basics, At Home, Childcare, What's New

AANMA and National Jewish Health Partner to help clean up the air in your home

You’ve been to the allergist. You know what you’re allergic to. But is it lurking in your home? And if so, to what degree?
How can you tell?
Now there’s a way to find out: an easy-to-use kit developed and serviced by National Jewish Health (NJH), the nation’s leading respiratory hospital center — and offered in partnership [...]

All Articles, At Home, Basics, What's New

Thank You to Our Volunteers!

Thank you to all of our PRECIOUS Breathers (TM) volunteers! We’re thrilled to report that many AANMA members generously responded to our call for volunteers to distribute information about this new program for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Now we’re ready for the next step–to get the word out about this valuable new resource for parents. [...]

All Articles, Asthma Basics, At School, Childcare

89 H1N1 Flu Cases Reported at Asthma Camp—Officials Didn’t Want to Send Kids Home, Doctor Says

Source: San Diego Union Tribune
Officials at an asthma camp in Julian, Ca., have reported 89 total cases of H1N1 flu during the camp’s June session.

At School, Childcare, Featured

Students with Asthma in Connecticut and Louisiana Can Now Breathe Easier

New state legislation allows students to carry asthma and anaphylaxis medications in school
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 30, 2009—Connecticut and Louisiana have become the 48th and 49th states to enact laws allowing students to carry and self-administer life-saving asthma

All Articles, Allergy Basics, What's New

The Nurse Is In: Singulair and Mood Changes—What Parents Should Know (updated)

I’ve read about suicidal tendencies associated with Singulair and that FDA has published an advisory. What do I need to know as a parent of a child with asthma who has done quite well taking this medication for nearly two years?
–Jean S., Washington, D.C.