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Demographic Shifts Expected in the Next Tech-ade

The face of America is constantly changing.  The next ten years will bring profound demographic shifts in the American population, particularly in terms of age and ethnic identity or composition.  Among the changes expected in the next decade are substantial increases in the U.S. Hispanic population and in the number of senior citizens.  Not only will these shifts lead to changes in the ways businesses seek to customize the consumer experience, they will also affect the types of consumer education messages that are needed.  At the hearings, panelists discussed the impact of demographic shifts on the marketplace and considered how new products and services may impact the changing face of America.

This topic was considered during the following panels:

Key Changes Predicted in the Next Tech-ade
The Changing Internet]
Communicating with Consumers in the Next Tech-ade

See the Tech-ade Agenda for more information on these panels and for links to the panelists’ presentations.

For more information, check out:

FTC Announces Hispanic Law Enforcement and Outreach Initiative, April 27, 2004

FTC’s Spanish Consumer Education website

FTC’s Beales Testifies on Campaign to Combat Health Fraud and the Elderly, September 10, 2001

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