Congresswoman Gwen Moore - Representing Wisconsin's 4th Congressional District News Clip
April 28, 2008  

Voter ID ruled legal, but state law on hold
U.S. Supreme Court ruling boosts proponents


(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)— Patrick Marley and Stacy Forster

The U.S. Supreme Court's approval Monday of a voter ID law in Indiana reinvigorated supporters of the cause in Wisconsin, yet opponents have all but guaranteed that the measure will be blocked in the state until at least 2011.

But Democratic leaders, including Gov. Jim Doyle, said the decision didn't change their view that requiring a photo ID would keep minority and older voters from the polls.

In a 6-3 ruling, the high court said an Indiana law requiring voters to show photo IDs at the polls - one of the strictest ID laws in the country - was constitutional.

...U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, a Milwaukee Democrat, said in a statement that the Supreme Court ruling validated an "unconstitutional solution in search of a problem."

She said, "It is sad that the court finds it acceptable to turn back the clock and once again sanction the disenfranchisement of voters."



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