Congresswoman Gwen Moore - Representing Wisconsin's 4th Congressional District News Clip
June 30, 2005  

Democrats Introduce Comprehensive Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act


(American Chronicle)— By Political Desk

Today, Rep. Zoe Lofgren and 111 of her Democratic colleagues introduced the VAWA 2005 Reauthorization Act, a bill that will reauthorize programs under the Violence Against Women Act and recommit America to ending domestic violence and sexual abuse. Among those joining Rep. Lofgren were all Democratic women in the House of Representatives, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi; Co-Chair and Co-Vice Chair of the House Women's Caucus Reps. Hilda Solis and Rep. Lois Capps; and Reps. Jan Schakowsky, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Louise Slaughter, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Carolyn Maloney and Gwen Moore, each of whom contributed significant provisions to VAWA 2005. Supporters also include every Ranking Member on committees of jurisdiction over VAWA 2005 (Judiciary, Financial Services, Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce and Education and the Workforce), and every Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee. The current Violence Against Women Act is set to expire on September 30, 2005.

VAWA 2005 is a comprehensive bill that not only reauthorizes current programs, but also includes many provisions that have not been dealt with in any other VAWA bill, including better economic security for victims of violence, increased protections for battered immigrants, enhanced protection of victims' personal information and new programs designed to prevent domestic violence before it occurs.


"The purpose of domestic violence shelters is to provide a safe place where people in need can be assured protection and support. Under the current HUD rules, the identities of hundreds of thousands will be exposed, making it possible for those who wish to hurt or even kill them to discover their whereabouts," said Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI). "The SHIELD Act, as part of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, will make certain that the anonymity of victims of domestic violence and their dependents remains secure."

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