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Terra / MODIS / Blue Marble

Multimedia Items Available Relating to Terra / MODIS / Blue Marble

Hurricane Wilma and Tropical Storm Alpha rain accumulation trails as of October 25, 2005   3290   Hurricane Wilma Rain Accumulation
Hurricane Wilma clouds and sea surface temperatures   3282   Hurricane Wilma -- SSTs and Clouds
The 2005 Hurricane season showing sea surface temperatures, clouds, and storm tracks   3279   Named Storms from the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season (Wide Shot)
Hurricane Rita rain accumularion from Sept 24, 2005 at 07:45 GMT   3268   Hurricane Rita Rain Accumulation
Sea ice concentration3-year average from 2003-2005   3267   Sea Ice Minimum Concentration 3-year moving averages for 1979-1981 to 2003-2005
Yearly sea ice concentrations 1979 to 2005 (with dates and climatology average)   3266   Sea Ice Minimum Concentration for 1979-2005
Hurricane Rita clouds and sea surface temperatures on Sep 23, 2005 at 13:45GMT   3261   Hurricane Rita Sea Surface Temperature and Clouds
Anatomy of Hurricane Isabel when it was far out in the Atlantic   3252   Anatomy of Hurricane Isabel
Hurricane Katrina IR clouds from GOES on 29 Aug 2005 at 00:15 GMT   3251   Hurricane Katrina GOES Clouds
GOES-12 infrared imagery over AMSR-E sea surface temperature for Hurricane Katrina, from August 23, 2005 to August 30, 2005.   3240   Hurricane Katrina Sea Surface Temperature (WMS)
GOES-12 infrared imagery over TRMM rainfall accumulation for Hurricane Katrina, from August 23, 2005 to August 30, 2005.   3239   Hurricane Katrina Rain Accumulation (WMS)
NASA's Earth Observing Fleet   3227   NASA's Orbiting Earth Observing Fleet (Improved Background)
Sea surface temperature with clouds overlaid showing the first half of the 2005 hurricane season  (no storm tracks)   3226   Sea Surface Temperature, Clouds, and Tropical Depression/Storm/Hurricane Tracks from June 1, 2005 to August 29, 2005
Sea surface temperature showing Hurricane Katrina's cold water wake in blues (08-29-2005)   3222   Hurricane Katrina Sea Surface Temperature
Hurricane Katrina rain accumulation for the period Aug 23 through 29   3221   Hurricane Katrina Rain Accumulation
Southern Alaskan Earthquakes from 1-18-1993 to 8-2-2003.   2969   Glaciers Spur Alaskan Earthquakes
Mars inside a transparent Earth.   2872   Earth-Mars Volcano Comparisons: Mars inside a transparent Earth
Transparent Olympus Mons juxtaposed over the Hawaiian Islands.   2871   Earth-Mars Volcano Comparisons: Transparent Olympus Mons over Elevation Color-Mapped Earth with True Color Land
Olympus Mons lays over the Hawaiian Islands.   2870   Earth-Mars Volcano Comparisons: True Color Olympus Mons over Elevation Color-Mapped Earth Bathymetry with True Color Land Features
Full Earth view.  Land is true color and ocean bathymetry is represented via an elevation color map.   2867   Earth-Mars Volcano Comparisons: Elevation color-mapped Earth with True Color Land
True color earth using the Terra-MODIS BlueMarble global mosaic for both land and clouds.   2865   Earth-Mars Volcano Comparisons: True Color Earth
Animation comparing the relative size differences between Mauna Loa and Olympus Mons volcanoes.  1x exaggeration.  Note that the Earth's ocean beds are colorized to show depth below sea level.  In this color scheme, greens and yellows are higher elevations; blues and purples are deeper levels.   2864   Earth-Mars Volcano Comparisons: Final Composite
This animation zooms down to Shenzhen, China and dissolves between images of city from 1973 to 2001.   2763   Landsat-7 20-Year Urbanization of Shenzhen, China
This annimation zooms down to Shenzhen, China and dissolves between images of city from 1973 to 2001.   2762   Landsat 7 20 Year Urbanization West of Shenzhen, China
The long operational history of the Landsat satellite allows a detailed study of urban growth around the world, as illustrated by this animation of urbanization in the Deep Bay region around Shenzen, China.   2761   Landsat-7 20 Year Urbanization of Deep Bay near Shenzhen, China
Print Resolution Image of North Pole Sea Ice   2738   Polar Sea Ice in the 1990s
Orbital view of North America, with the Chesapeake Bay near the center   2737   Chesapeake Bay Watershed Tour
This image shows two of the images (the U.S. East Coast covered in smoke and flooding in Texas) that were captured by MODIS.   2499   The First Day In The Life of Aqua/MODIS
Atlanta, Georgia, showing the rainfall southeast of the city in blue.   2467   Urban Modifications of Rainfall, Georgia
Alabama and Georgia, with Montgomery and Atlanta marked, with rainfall southeast of the cities being shown in blue.   2466   Urban Modifications of Rainfall, Alabama and Georgia
Central and Eastern Texas, with a marking of Dallas, Waco, Austin, and San Antonio, and blue to the south and east of the cities indicating rainfall.   2465   Urban Modifications of Rainfall, Texas
A static shot of the highly exaggerated Himalayan Mountains from the perspective of Bangladesh   2431   Himalayas Exaggerated (version 2.2)
Close-up of the Black Hills region.   2390   Push-in to the Black Hills, South Dakota
Animation zooming into Brazil   2388   Wonderglobe: Brazil
A static shot of the Himalaya Mountains showing the final 50x exaggeration.   2356   Himalayas Exaggerated (Draft) logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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