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NIOSH Safety and Health Topic:

Small Business


Featured Resources:

  • Small Business Safety Interventions that Work
    External link:
    For a number of years, the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation has provided grants to qualified small businesses to support the use of safety interventions in Ohio workplaces (the SafetyGRANT$ program). Participating employers reported information about the cost/benefit of the intervention. At this link, you will find 140 different employer reports about workplace equipment changes that have demonstrated positive safety and health results. Reports address a total of seventeen different risk factors (e.g., musculoskeletal) across eight industry sectors. There are also five "Success Story" videos.
  • Safety and Health Resource Guide for Small Businesses
    DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-100 (March 1998)
    This Guide is intended to help small business owners, employers, and managers deal with occupational safety and health concerns. Others involved with the small business community may also benefit from using this resource.
  • Worker Injury and Illness Average Incidence Rates by Industry and Establishment Size - 2007
    External link:
    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides these data annually (1994-2007). They are under the "Quartile Data" heading on this BLS page. Note that "establishment" means a location where economic activity is conducted. One firm or enterprise may operate multiple establishments. More information about these definitions may be found at Also note that some researchers have attributed lower incidence rates for establishments with fewer than 10 employees to possible under-reporting.


NIOSHTIC-2 search results on Small Business
NIOSHTIC-2 is a searchable bibliographic database of occupational safety and health publications, documents, grant reports, and journal articles supported in whole or in part by NIOSH.

NIOSH Publications

Identifying High-Risk Small Business Industries
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 99-107
NIOSH has prepared this report to characterize the risk of occupational injury, illness, and fatality in industries composed mostly of small business establishments.

Safety and Health Resource Guide for Small Businesses
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2003-100 (March 1998)
This Guide is intended to help small business owners, employers, and managers deal with occupational safety and health concerns. Others involved with the small business community may also benefit from using this resource.

Health Hazard Evaluations

Health Hazard Evaluations
HHE's are investigations done by NIOSH in response to concerns expressed by employees, employee representatives, or employers, to find out whether there is a health hazard to employees caused by hazardous exposures and conditions in the workplace.
  • HHE Report No. HETA-2001-0537-2897, Sunset Strip Furniture Stripping, Huntington Beach, California
    this document in PDF PDF only  409 KB (17 pages)

  • HHE Report No. HETA-2000-0013-2830, Venus and Mars, Orlando, Florida; Body Piercing by Bink, Tallahasse, Florida
    this document in PDF PDF only  578 KB (21 pages)

  • HHE Report No. HETA-2001-0144-2867, Superior Label Systems, Mason, Ohio
    this document in PDF PDF only  429 KB (30 pages)

  • HHE Report No. HETA-2001-0081-2877, Glass Masters Neon, Savannah, Georgia
    this document in PDF PDF only  413 KB (23 pages)

Related NIOSH Safety and Health Topics

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Young Worker Safety and Health

Other Resources

U.S. Small Business Administration
External Link:
This site provides a wide range of information and resources for entrepeneurs who are starting and growing businesses. E-newsletters, free on-line training, business tools, and information about grant programs and other forms of assistance are included. One of their counseling services, the SCORE program (Service Corps of Retired Executives), provides entrepeneur education through over 10,000 retired executives organized in 374 chapters throughout the country. The chapter for Cincinnati, OH, Northern KY, and Southeast IN ( is in a pilot partnership with NIOSH Cincinnati operations.

Florida Reduces Small Business Illness and Injury Rates: The Seven-Up Safety and Health Program
USF Safety Florida Consultation Program (November 8, 2001)
this document in PDF PDF only  472K (51 pages)
Documentation of pre- and post-consultation small business illness and injury experience from the Florida Division of Safety Research. This paper outlines the elements of the Consultation Program that were instrumental in delivering the results documented by the Division of Safety and which have been enhanced by the University of South Florida.

Using Surveillance Data to Develop Training for Small Businesses in Maine
Maine Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Standards

this document in PDF PDF only  317K (28 pages)
An overview of the Bureau of Labor Standards (BLS) and SAFETYWORKS and the Maine Occupational Research Agenda (MORA) (presentation).

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Small Business site
External Link:
This site provides access to the most popular materials for small businesses, from free on-site consultation to interactive computer software to technical information to easy-to-follow guides for specific OSHA standards. It also includes links to OSHA local offices and the Small Business Administration.

Page last updated: July 23, 2009
Page last reviewed: August 19, 2009
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Education and Information Division

Small Businesses

Images of small business illustrations

On This Page...

NIOSH Publications
Health Hazard Evaluations
Related NIOSH Safety and Health Topics
Other Resources