Kennedy Statement

Retired Americans Mourn Loss of Senator Kennedy

The following statement was issued today by Alliance for Retired Americans President Barbara J. Easterling, Secretary-Treasurer Ruben Burks, and Executive Director Edward F. Coyle, on the death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy.   More...
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Florida Alliance's Delray Beach Health Care Forum Draws Worldwide Attention

Fourteen hundred activists, most of them in favor of health reform, gathered on Thursday in suburban Delray Beach, Florida for a health care forum with Democratic U.S. Reps. Robert Wexler (D-FL) and Alcee Hastings (D-FL).
News Item  ·  Alliance for Retired Americans  ·  Aug 21, 2009


Aug 24, 2009

Retiree Leader Rebuts RNC's False Health Care Claims

Seniors Outreach Contradicts Summer of Scare Tactics

The following statement was issued today by Edward F. Coyle, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, in response to Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele unveiling a so-called "Seniors' Health Care Bill of Rights."
  ·  Aug 24, 2009


Alliance Photo Gallery

Legislative Conference 2009
  ·  Jun 18, 2009


Retirees' Rights Champions

Doug Hart, Tempe, Arizona

Doug Hart is an active retiree in Tempe, Arizona and President of the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans.  Doug is an activist and a fighter and knows how much Social Security and Medicare mean to the livelihoods of hardworking Americans.

Like many people, Doug faced adversity in his life.  After his father died in World War II, Doug's mother went to work cleaning houses, waiting tables, and finding any work that she could to put food on the table.  His father's Social Security benefits are largely what kept the family afloat and allowed Doug to work hard and finish his schooling.

Bob Kirkner, King, North Carolina

Bob Kirkner of King, North Carolina, is a proud father and grandfather.  He is 70 years old and gave 34 of those years as a mechanic to US Airways.  He retired with a good pension and an optimistic future.  But when US Airways declared bankruptcy, Bob had no idea that it would mean drastic cuts to his pension, and the end of his family's health and life insurance benefits.

When US Airways went bankrupt the first time, Bob's life began to change.  "We were paying $40/month for health insurance, and until my Medicare and VA benefits kicked in, our premiums jumped to $600. Now how are we supposed to afford that?" he reflects.  Even with Medicare and VA benefits, the Kirkners' healthcare costs them almost $400/month After the second bankruptcy filing, Bob's pension was drastically cut, and his social security check that used to be a supplement is now half of his income and pays for all of his utility and insurance bills. 


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