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[EnglishLanguage 4371] Re: Kinds of adult ed videos

Ujwala Samant

lalumineuse at
Tue May 26 09:25:58 EDT 2009


Micro-teaching worked very well when we trained teachers in NWFP Pakistan for the community-based schools project. We would tell the teachers to prepare their best lesson, have it video-taped and then when we all met for training, we would watch and the other teachers would give feedback, suggestions and repeat the exercise a few months later. The teachers said they learned a lot from watching themselves on screen and from the methodologies used by the other teachers, as well as the suggestions they received.

NCSALL-Rutgers should have a collection of ABE videos, that show learners "learning" class rules, getting around them, not the best practice amongst teachers, great patience and sympathy from the teachers, in brief, the entire variety that one sees in ABE classes. We also had video interviews with students giving us feedback as they watched videos of themselves in class.


--- On Sat, 5/23/09, David Rosen <DJRosen at> wrote:

> From: David Rosen <DJRosen at>

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4368] Kinds of adult ed videos

> To: "The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List" <englishlanguage at>

> Date: Saturday, May 23, 2009, 6:11 PM

> Hi Miriam,

> There are at least four kinds of adult education

> classroom or tutoring videos:

> 1. Professional training. Often these are

> presentations,  sometimes with illustrations from

> authentic classrooms. 2. Short, authentic

> classrooms or tutoring. This is what the Media

> Library of Teaching Skills (MLoTS) is trying to do, make and

> collect these videos in one place free for teachers' and

> professional developers' use.3.

> Ethnographic research. The best adult ESOL/ESL example

> of this may be the large collection of classes done through

> the NCSALL Lab at Portland State University. There is also a

> large collection of NCSALL ABE ethnographic videos at

> Rutgers University.  (Perhaps some of the learner

> "bad behavior" videos might be culled by someone

> from these collections.)4. Micro-teaching.

> A teacher -- often in training -- is asked to prepare a

> short lesson. It is video recorded and played back to the

> teacher (often this includes the students and mentor or

> guide) and the students and mentor ask questions and make

> suggestions intended to help the teacher look at her/his

> practice. 

> Some of these kinds of videos are available

> online; most, e.g. the ethnographic research, commercial

> professional training products and micro-teaching videos,

> are not. 

> Anyone have other categories to

> suggest? 

> Anyone know of other good videos in category 2

> that are _not_ currently included in the MLoTS collection

> (including the page with links to videos made by others)? We

> prefer to have these as links to videos already on the web,

> but we could, with permission, take them from videotapes or

> CDs and host them ourselves. Let us know if you have

> suggestions.

> David J. RosenDJRosen at




> On May 23, 2009, at 9:59 AM, Miriam Burt

> wrote:

> Dear Mark and David and all,


> What a wealth of information about videotaping classes is

> in these posts! In addition to helping us think about

> videoing a classroom, there are ideas here that could be

> used as topics in an online course.


> I think h - below -  how the teacher handles an

> unexpected even in the classroom, and how the lesson morphs

> into something else is especially useful. I would add


> n. how the teacher deals with students who are especially

> vocal about not wanting to join an activity, especially one

> that involves student to student interaction - without

> letting this sour the pot for the whole class.



> I have a question for Mark: Would the lessons not working

> well be staged? I'm thinking that students might be on

> their best behavior, if you will, when being videoed, and

> might not react as they might in the regular classroom.

>  And if you were looking for student resistance you

> might have to shoot a lot of film before you got it

> occurring naturally. Yet if you staged it, would it still be

> valuable?



> Does anyone have thoughts on my "n" or any of

> Mark or David's comments on these segments? Has anyone

> videoed the type of segments listed below? Were they staged

> or not staged?


> Miriam



> Miriam Burt

> Moderator, Discussion list for practitioners working with

> adult English language learners

> mburt at




> -----Original Message-----

> From: Mark Taylor [mailto:marktaylor108 at]

> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 7:06 PM

> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List

> Subject: Re: [EnglishLanguage 4362] Re: Video - response

> toquestions - - andquestion on classroom videos



> Dear David J. Rosen,


> What would I like to see videotaped? Everything! How to

> best teach ESL remains for me the Big Mystery, and being

> able to "sit in on", via a video, another

> teacher's class, is a rare and elusive activity for

> professional development.



> 1. Audio? I have found that the Sony IC voice recorder,

> model ICD-UX70, records sparklingly clear sound, picks up

> even the quiet students far away from the recorder, and

> saves everything directly into MP3 format. All it needs is

> one AAA battery. Files can be copied to a hard drive by

> plugging the USB end of the recorder into a computer.



> 2. Video format or length? I would be delighted to see a

> classroom activity broken into its component parts, with

> each part available as a separate video. Here are some parts

> I could envisage:


> One segment could address questions like: How was the

> activity planned for? What preparation was needed? What

> sources were relied upon?


> Another segment could address questions like: How was the

> activity led into? How was it introduced? How was it

> explained to the class?


> Another segment would highlight the activity itself,

> showing it working well.


> Another segment could highlight the activity itself,

> showing what happens when it doesn't work, when a

> student doesn't get it, and how the instructor responds,

> how the other students respond, to help the student who is

> not in the flow.


> Another segment would show the follow-up; how the teacher

> confirmed that the students understand the language point

> being taught.


> Another segment would show how that aspect of language was

> consequently integrated into another activity, allowing

> students to build up their fluency, step-by-step.



> 3. Topics to cover in videos: Here are some that come to

> mind:


> a. Management issues. Show how a teacher deals with a

> disruptive, disrespectful, or "expert at sabotage"

> student (those "clever" students who mess it up

> for the next student by not following the pattern being

> practiced). Dealing with students not on task.



> b. Management issues. The first one to three weeks, showing

> how a teacher establishes the relationships between students

> and between students and teacher; how routines are

> established; how expectations are communicated.


> c. Reward systems (like moving players around a baseball

> diamond). How classroom displays or student-administered

> procedures or ?? encourage extra effort.


> d. Pronunciation. Strategies that promote accurate

> replication of American English sounds, rhythms, tones.

> (I'm forever reminding students about pausing at a

> period: "So are you happy?" VS "So. Are you

> happy?")


> e. How variety is used to develop a particular key language

> skill such as plurals or word order; how the same skill is

> practiced in a variety of fresh and fun ways.


> f. Classroom activities that generate the most interest,

> smiles, and laughter.


> g. Classroom activities that generate the most animated and

> involved student-to-student talking in the target language.


> h. How a teacher handles a surprise; a lesson plan that

> doesn't work; an unexpected and very good question; how

> a planned classroom activity morphs and changes according to

> the immediate needs of the students.


> i. How a teacher deals with situations where one or two

> students are having great difficulty; or, where one or two

> are blasting past the other students and need more of a

> challenge. (Show how this is planned for, along with how it

> is dealt with in the moment.)


> j. How a teacher handles mistakes in textbooks.


> k. Field Trips. How they are set up, planned and prepared

> for, executed, how they are followed up.


> l. Kinetic activities that get students out of their

> desks.


> m. Discussion moderation - how to get all students talking,

> not just the most fluent or confident students.


> --Mark Taylor

> Freelance ESL Instructor





> --- On Fri, 5/22/09, David Rosen

> <DJRosen at> wrote:


> From: David Rosen

> <DJRosen at>

> Subject:

> [EnglishLanguage 4362] Re: Video - response toquestions - -

> and question on classroom videos

> To: "The Adult

> English Language Learners Discussion List"

> <englishlanguage at>

> Date: Friday, May 22,

> 2009, 5:53 PM

> Hi Miriam,


> You wrote:


> What do you think the elements of good classroom

> video

> making

> are?   

> What about length of video, minimal equipment

> needed,

> preparation  

> for students and teacher beforehand… other?


> David Rosen and Owen

> Hartford produced this video.

> David and Owen, would

> you be willing to speak to what

> you think

> the  

> elements of good classroom video making are?

>  Is

> there any

> other  

> background info we should have?



> Owen hartford and I

> have the following tips to suggest:


> 1. Sound is important,

> but not always easy to get. A

> wireless mic on


> the teacher is usually

> essential to pick up clear audio

> when the  

> teacher moves around a

> classroom. A separate mic (or mics)

> centered on  

> the students is

> important for hearing dialogue between

> teacher and  

> students, or even

> between students working together. We

> have found  

> that classroom layouts

> vary widely, so each video and audio

> setup will  

> vary depending on the

> classroom.


> 2. Because of the

> sometimes unpredictable events in

> classrooms, it is


> useful to have more

> than one camera -- one centered on the

> teacher's  

> activities, another to

> pick up student activities,

> reactions and  

> comments.


> 3. We try to talk or

> email with, and then video interview,

> the teacher  

> before the class to

> understand the goals of the lesson, the

> rationale  

> for the teacher's

> approach to the material, and to

> get  some  

> indication of how the

> lesson fits with the curriculum and

> state  

> content standards.

> After the class we video interview the

> teacher to  

> learn about how s/he

> thinks it went, and what comes next

> for the  

> students.

>  Teachers may also provide useful background

> information on  

> the student

> population. We have found that other teachers

> viewing  

> classroom videos wish

> to have a variety of information

> about the  

> context of a lesson in

> order to have a more useful

> understanding of it.


> 4. Not every teacher

> will want to see an hour-long video of

> a hour-

> long class. Many

> classes include repetitive elements which

> need to be  

> edited out for the

> sake of brevity and clarity, but it is

> important to  

> try to include all

> those elements which are a meaningful

> part of the  

> flow of the lesson.

> Sometimes a teacher voice-over can

> clarify  

> activities in the

> class as they are happening.


> We have some questions

> for the participants in this

> discussion:


> 1. Do you prefer short

> videos, like this one, or longer

> ones?


> 2. What kinds of

> classroom videos do you find most

> interesting and


> useful for your own

> professional development?


> 3. What topics would

> you like to see lessons on in other

> videos that  

> we -- or others --

> might make



> David J. Rosen

> DJRosen at

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