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[EnglishLanguage 4124] Re: Themes and topics from TESOL 2009/Denver

Ujwala Samant

lalumineuse at
Tue Apr 7 15:17:00 EDT 2009

I believe NCSALL did a teacher-as-a-researcher ESOL project. One of my colleagues from NCSALL, Patsy Medina worked on it, with Susan Finn-Miller. Perhaps they could speak on the subject. I think action research is a great tool and one of the best ways of authentic learning.
Ujwala Samant

--- On Tue, 4/7/09, Michelle Ueland <mueland at> wrote:

> From: Michelle Ueland <mueland at>

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4121] Re: Themes and topics from TESOL 2009/Denver

> To: "The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List" <englishlanguage at>

> Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 4:38 PM
















> Miriam

> and colleagues on the Adult English Language Learners

> Discussion List,




> Among

> the best sessions that I attended at TESOL was about

> “burning

> questions” in research methodology hosted by Anne

> Burns from Macquaire

> University, Australia.




> One point

> that range ‘true’ for me and made me think of

> adult ESL professional

> development was that she noted that “novice”

> educators often move towards

> being “master” teachers by way of doing

> (action) research in our

> classrooms. I think research and adult ESL would be a great

> topic for further

> discussion on the list.






> Michelle

> M. Ueland, Ph.D.


> Adult



> Center

> for Applied Linguistics


> Washington,

> DC










> From: englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of

> Miriam Burt


> Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 5:12 PM


> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion

> List


> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4108] Themes and topics

> from TESOL 2009/Denver








> Hello, all.








>      I

> attended  the

> annual Teachers of English for Speakers of Other

> Languages (TESOL)

> Convention in  Denver last week  (March 24-

> 28) and 

> found the following to be themes related to working with

> adult English language

> learners : 









> Promoting transitions from ABE to

> ESL, workplace preparation, and

> college and university (including creating partnerships

> such as co-teaching

> with content teachers in community colleges)


> Creating career pathways, and

> developing partnerships with other

> service providers to help English language learners enter

> and move through

> career pathways


> Health care issues for English

> language learners - both as

> consumers and as a possible career


> Developing reading and writing

> ability and assessing writing

> development; the need for reading and writing assessments

> that can be used with

> adult learners at higher levels than are available now



> Improving English language

> learners' pronunciation skills


> Use

> of learner stories to facilitate learners’ speaking

> and

> writing development


> Issues around culture and

> language


>                               EL/Civics

> and immigration updates 


>                              Building

> capacity for providing effective instruction in communities

> with emerging

> English language populations 


> Before it gets too much later, I

> would like to invite folks who

> attended the conference to share on this list any

> information they found

> particularly interesting, talk about any themes they felt

> were there, or

> give information about worthwhile presentations

> they attended (or

> facilitated!)  What did I leave out? What were

> some of your

> impressions of the state of the field of instruction for

> adult English language

> learners? What was the buzz? What's hot? What's

> not?


> Looking forward to hearing from

> you. 


> Thanks.


> Miriam 


> ********


> Miriam Burt


> Center for Applied

> Linguistics


> 4646

> 40th Street NW


> Washington, DC 20016


> (202)

> 362-0700, ext. 556 (phone)


> (202)

> 363-7204 (fax)


> mburt at

> (email)


























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