About Us

National Salt Awareness Week 2008

Consensus Action on Salt & Health

Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH) is a group of specialists concerned with salt and its effects on health. It is successfully working to reach a consensus with the food industry and Government over the harmful effects of a high salt diet, and bring about a reduction in the amount of salt in processed foods as well as salt added to cooking, and the table. CASH is supported by 22 expert scientific members. Please click here for a copy of the list.

CASH runs National Salt Awareness Week at the end of January each year which receives widespread media coverage.


Latest News

A date for your diary:
National Salt Awareness Week 2009 is running from 2nd - 8th February
To order leaflets and posters for an event supporting National Salt Awareness Week please fill out the form on the health professionals webpage

Further details will be released nearer the time

Secret Salt for breakfast-how one meal can tip you over your 6g a day
Please click here for media information
Please click here for consumer information

CASH welcomes the news that salt intake continues to fall


CASH is reliant on voluntary contributions in order to fulfil its aims. CASH is unique in its work - the role it performs is not undertaken by any other organisation, so your support is vital.

If you would like to make a donation please visit our donation page.

We are very grateful to the Botnar family for their continuing support of CASH.