February 15, 2007


Congressman Bill Delahunt released the following statement of his remarks to the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council to commemorate today's federal recognition:

"Congratulations.  You did it.

Today is the end of a long journey.

Today’s announcement from the United States government, a moment for which we have all waited so long and for which we have all worked so hard, is a milestone for the Tribe, our community and our nation. 

Let us reflect for a moment on what has happened today.

Let’s be clear.  Aside from the legalisms -- for anyone who reads history -- the BIA decision does not confer tribal status. 

The decision confirms tribal status.  

The decision is a vindication of fundamental civil rights. 

It honors the memory of generations of tribal members.  It embraces the common heritage of fellow citizens of Mashpee and towns throughout eastern Massachusetts. 

And restores faith in the process that today -- finally -- resolves the question.

So now we move forward. Together.  With respect for the aspirations of a sovereign nation.  For its promise as an able steward of tribal lands. 

And with a deep sense of shared purpose for our region’s quality of life.

In our short lives, there are only so many days like this.  Days that honor all of our 'better angels.'  This is such a day. 

Over all these years, you have persevered with courage, determination and respect.  And today, at a moment in human history when the world seems beset by ethnic and religious conflict --  today, you have given us a gift.  A gift of hope, for all who are privileged to be part of this celebration, and for generations to come."


