For Immediate Release:
June 16, 2008
Further Information:
Mark Forest - 202-225-3111/774-487-2534
  Event Will Provide Information on the MA Mandatory Health Insurance Program

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Bill Delahunt today announced that he will join with the Greater Plymouth Council of Human Service Agencies to sponsor an informational forum on the Massachusetts Mandatory Health Insurance Program in Plymouth on Wednesday, June 25th. 

“Trying to choose the best health care plan for yourself and your family can be a daunting exercise. Whether one is without health insurance or just wishes to find a more affordable plan, this roundtable will provide the opportunity to understand how this new health reform law will affect each one of us.” said Congressman Bill Delahunt.

“The Council represents over 40 human services agencies in the greater Plymouth area,” said Cynthia Miller, the Area Director of the Greater Plymouth Council.  “Given our wide scope and often shared constituency, we have quite an opportunity to be part of making the Mass Healthcare initiative as successful as possible.”

The event, which is scheduled to kick off at 9:45am on Wednesday, June 25, will be held at the Plymouth Public Library’s Fehlow Room, located at 132 South Street. The presentations by the Greater Plymouth Council of Human Service Agencies will focus on the progress of the implementation of the health care reform act as well as details on both individual and employer responsibilities under the law.

Further information on the forum is available by calling the Congressman’s office toll free at 800-794-9911.


