For Immediate Release:
June 22, 2009
Further Information:
Mark Forest/Rory Sheehan - 202-225-3111


  Delahunt-Pingree-Farr Language Authorizes “No-Cost” Transfer for South Weymouth Naval Air Station
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S Rep. Bill Delahunt announced today that the House Armed Services Committee approved legislation that allows the federal government to convey title to surplus military base property at no cost if the redevelopment promotes economic development.

"As we grapple with the economic recession and troubles in the housing market, the Congress now realizes that it is important to ease the financial burden of local communities in redeveloping former military bases, such as the South Weymouth Naval Air Station," said Delahunt. "This legislation will help with the redevelopment of the base and the Southfield project, which is so critical to the economic development of the South Shore."  

The language was included in the National Defense Authorization Act which is expected to come before the full House for a vote as early as this week. This legislation authorizes appropriations for the Department of Defense for the year.  The House Armed Services Committee approved the language on June 18th.

The final language the committee adopted is similar to the language in two legislative proposals Rep. Delahunt co-sponsored, with Reps. Sam Farr (CA)and Chellie Pingree (ME). The legislation will provide the Department of Defense with the authority to negotiate land conveyances with local governments to help communities redevelop military sites that have been closed under BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) more expeditiously.  

